Chapter One

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        Millie opens the front door and shields her eyes from the glare of the sun. Every day, it feels as though she has a hangover went she greets it in the morning. It would help, though, if she would remember to put her dark wayfarer sunglasses on first. Nevertheless, she always forgets. She pulls them out of her pocket and slips them on. She takes a step outside in to the living world. As she steps outside she closes the door behind her. She straightens her black leather jacket before placing her hands in her purple high waisted jeans.

        A sweet and familiar iron scent fills Millie's nose. She feels pressure in her gums and a gnawing at her stomach. She looks left across the street. A small child has already fallen off his bike and has scrapped his knee. The little ones always like to taunt me with their easily spilled blood.

        She rakes her hand over her forehead to the back of her head to move her hair over one shoulder. Her black booties click saw she walks down the sidewalk toward her antique shop a few blocks away. The bell jingles as she opens the door and steps around the counter. She slips her finger tips across the counter. She reaches down and picks up the old fashioned feather duster behind the counter to dust everything off before opening the store.

        As Millie was in the middle of writing a letter to a potential seller, a young couple walked into her store. They were glowing like they just got married a month ago. They look around a little before walking to the counter and Millie. She looks up at the young woman with a pixie cut and the young man wearing a Detroit Tigers jersey, both with strong young hearts of today's healthy youth.

        Millie looks up with a smile. "You two are prompt aren't you? I just opened five minutes ago."

        Pixie Cut signs with a smile. "We have a long day ahead of us and wanted to get this done early."

        Tigger steps behind his girl and hugs her. "We just moved into our new place yesterday and still have a lot of unpacking to do." He kisses her on the crown of her head. She smiles up at him.

        "Oh, that's great." Millie smiles. "Is there something I can help you find?" She gestures one hand to the store in front of her.

        "We were hoping to find a couch." Pixie Cut inquires.

        "I only have two in right now. It's a small store." Millie steps out from around the counter. The couple follows. "One is from the 1970s. The other is Victorian. They are small, but with only the two of you I don't think that will matter." Millie displays the cranberry and black walnut Victorian couch. "I also have three chairs. They are more of dining room chairs though."

                                                (¯'·.¸¸.-> °º  º° <-.¸¸.·´¯)

Noon rolls around and Millie feels her strength waver from the suns high point. It feels as if she needs a nap. She knows what will fix the feeling, blood, but she chooses not to drink during the day. She flips the open sign and plops down in one of the chairs lying around the shop. With her head resting back and her eyes closed, she hears the bell jingle.

        "I'm sorry; we are closed at the moment." She says staying in position

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