Knowing the enemy

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Queen Zelkha was that malicious human being that oozed power over the others and manipulated others with her lies and fake words

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Queen Zelkha was that malicious human being that oozed power over the others and manipulated others with her lies and fake words. She was twisted in ways that one cannot imagine.  She ravaged about how her King died and how she was out for revenge.

But that was not true, no one but she and her stepdaughter knew who actually killed the King. She wanted power and now she had it. She killed her husband and now she was out for the blood of anyone who threatened her power. She had no special power for herself but she had a loyal dog to herself, a boy who loved her before she was the Queen, before she was married.

And that boy who loved her was a man who dwelled in black magic now. He would do things that Queen would say even if it went against his nature.

He was bounded by unrequited love for her.

And this time Queen needed a way to end Vance's immortality. If he was not vulnerable in this world maybe he will be vulnerable somewhere else and that is when he could be killed.

But Zelkha didn't know that like she had an attack dog on her side, Vance had someone protecting him from the other side.


Vance opened his eyes and immediately frowned at a too sharp light streaming inside his room. He looked around in haste hoping he was somewhere else. But he was still in the palace, as King's guard.

There was knock on the door of him and he got up with his sword on full alert ready to attack. The door opened and in came a scared looking girl came followed by a lot of blue light.

"Natalia." He whispered in disbelief.

"No dumbass, Julia." She said giving him a death glare.

"Where is the King?" He asked.

He got over the shock of the situation and looked at her carefully realizing it was actually Julia from her attire.

"In our world."

"How?" He asked slightly surprised.

And before she could answer she grabbed his hand and pulled him out.


Ah! Finally, Vance was sitting next to me.

"what the hell just happened?" He was still tightly gripping my hand.

I avoided the tingling sensation all over me and said," I learned to control my words."

"What are you writing now?" Vance asked in a cold tone.

"A story about us."  I wanted it to sound like a story about he could come back and forth and stuff but somehow it came out 'about us' and he looked at me like I meant something.

"Like what we are going through." I hastily corrected.

"Who is she, Vance?" King repeated his frustrated at what just happened as he still didn't believe me after being here for almost three days.

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