Chapter 3: The Realization

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Alyson was aware of one thing when she woke up, and one thing only. She was going to be sick.

At that point, her rape was the last thing she was thinking about. She'd thrown herself wholeheartedly into school to distract her mind from the disastrous event, and the ploy had succeeded. Her grades soared even higher, she'd been asked to head up several clubs, and there were rumors of a large scholarship coming her way.

Last night, the rumor had been verified. To celebrate, Jess and her parents took her out to dinner at one of the fancier restaurants downtown. They'd eaten, laughed, and had an all-around great time. And then she woke up the next morning sick to her stomach. 

The teen groaned and rolled out of bed, staggering to the bathroom. There wasn't much in her system because it had been so long since she'd eaten, but she was still struggling not to throw up. There was a headache threatening to erupt in between her eyes - which didn't help matters.

As Aly fought back another wave of nausea, she tried to determine the cause of her current state. Probably just some bad sushi. It'll go away soon.

But within five minutes her symptoms had only gotten worse. The headache was full-blown now, and it raged inside her skull, pounding against her temples. She closed her eyes and sagged back against the bathroom wall.

Aly didn't even register the sound of feet on tile until her mom was crouched three feet away, looking seriously concerned. "Honey, what's wrong?"

"T-Think I ate something that...ugh...disagreed with me..."

Mrs. Laing grabbed a rag and soaked it with cold water, wrapping it around the back of her daughter's neck. "I'll call the school and let them know you're sick."

Physically, Aly didn't even have strength to argue. But mentally she was yelling in frustration. She hadn't ever missed a single day of school. Until now.

Ten long minutes later, the teen was back in bed, propped up by a mound of pillows. A wastebasket was strategically placed next to her on the floor in case her stomach acted up again. In the meantime, she was ordered to consume a small glass of ice chips - sorry, asked in a very firm tone to consume a small glass of ice chips. *

Her mother left for work not long after, and her father was long since gone to his own job, which left Aly alone in the house. She lay there, feeling absolutely miserable and almost wishing for a way to get back at the people who made her sick - being ill always turned her into a foul-tempered young woman - but then a thought crossed her mind.

She'd had food poisoning once before and the symptoms were almost the same, but not nearly this bad. And the ginger ale wasn't even helping this time. 

Maybe...maybe it wasn't food poisoning? But if so, then...what was it?


*My mom always used to give me some ice chips to eat when I couldn't keep anything else down. ;)

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2018 ⏰

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