The Cursed boy -4

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He had felt the blade go through his heart.

Had felt the excruciating pain.

Had felt the life draining away from him.

Had felt Nova's calloused but soft fingers clasping his hands.

But he had also felt the Beast laughing inside him. He knew it was over. The beast had been playing with him all along. Made him think he had some control over him.

He felt the pain ebb away.

His body was healing and he was pushed into the deep recesses of his mind. The beast was in control now.

He could only watch.

Watch as he gripped Nova'ss neck and crush it. Try to.

But Nova was smart. She was strong and a skilled fighter. She managed to get out of his hold.

He felt the Beast inside him growl in anger.

He wanted to tell Nova to run.
To leave him. But he couldn't. He couldn't even move a muscle, let alone speak.

Nova became invisible but the beast was a spirit. He could sense her just like one could sense the wind.

The attacks continued. He watched as he dealt blow after blow on her and drained away her magic. He felt the shocks when the beams emitted from the photon blaster hit him, but it was just a minor annoyance. It had little effect on the beast. He watched as Nova formulated a brilliant plan, swinging from the chandelliers like Tarzan and shooting the beast-him. He also felt the beast draw into the depth of his magic and was forced to watch Nova crash down on the floor. He watched as she charged at him- a fiery glint in her eyes.

He watched the Beast grip her throat again, this time draining away her life force.

He watched as Nova looked at him. Really looked at him.

Looked at the boy inside. Her eyes told him to be brave. To be strong. To not let the beast brake him.

To have hope. Always have hope.

She was speaking to him, Alexander Le Vane. Her best friend.

This time he heard.

He heard her plea. He heard her apology. He heard his best friend to show her he was still inside. He was still fighting. He would not brake.

He gathered up all his strength and concentrated his magic on his heart. It was small. But it was enough for her to escape.

Enough for him to know he had hope.

Enough for him to realize he wouldn't break. He wouldn't come out as a broken boy, but a man who faced the impossible with a smile on his face.

The Beast recovered from it soon enough and growled in anger. He ran after Nova.

Nova was slipping on the pitch laid out on the front steps. Another cunning plan laid out by the beast. Her slipper was stuck on the pitch.

She removed it and ran barefoot, with one slipper still stuck to her.
The beast followed her hot on his heels.

She fired photons from her photon blaster but her aim wasn't that good. She missed a lot. She ran fast, dodging all the magic the beast threw at her. She was dodging but barely.

He didn't blame her running. He didn't blame her for the curse. None of it was her fault. She had just been curious. He had agreed with her anyway. She did try to stop him at the last minute's too late to dwell upon the past.

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