Chapter 29 - Helios

Comenzar desde el principio

[Acquired Title: Sage of the Forest]

[Due to becoming a Mage user will have the following effects:

Defense decrease by 20%

Magical attack increase by 2000%

Magical defense increase by 500%

Mana pool increase by 2000%

No casting required]

[Due to acquiring Sage of the Forest user will have the following effects:

Magical attack increase by 3000%

Magical defense increase by 1000%

Mana pool increase by 3000%

Agility increase by 300%]

[Acquired Title: Rune Master.

Damage with runes increases by 2000%]

I see blue light surround me and feel rapidly invigorated and refreshed. I feel something slightly external to me becoming far more vast and pure and I feel my body weaken slightly. I touch ground and Helios attacks seemingly undisturbed by the aura. Space-time and the area around us brutally rips apart, deep gouges appear in the earth before disintegrating. I put my right hand out palm up infusing it with mana. A light blue sphere appears 2cm from my palm. 'Condense, condense, change shape'. The sphere becomes sky blue and changes to the form of a small dart 3cm long. I wait as the large imposing form comes closer; 10 feet, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, at 4 feet I unleash the dart while generating a spinning force around it. A circular shockwave bursts from the dart in mighty waves annihilating the air and ground. The dart pierces Helios's chest and sends him shooting back by 60 feet 'Explode'. The dart changes shape to an unstable sphere before it detonates savagely. 'Mana shields'. I overlay 10 shields made of pure mana in front of me as I brace for impact. The tiny ball expands, it engulfs Helios's figure in a flash of white before quickly approaching me. 'Oh hell no'. I create more shields and condense them to 5 heavy ones which completely surround me. I believe the blast radius was 50 metres... After the bang I levitate over to a large half charred figure who sits on the ground in pain. I stay 20 feet away from him and prepare another sphere, this time its the size of a marble and its a shade of Carolina blue (Darker than sky blue). The big man grunts and waves his hand saying "No need to make another one of those...disasters. I concede". The marble disappears and I walk over to Helios handing him a dark green pill. He swallows it and immediately heals to perfect condition. His eyebrows raise slightly as he says "I had to go to 40% power just to barely survive that limit is 60 and 50% for a few milliseconds and 40% for a second...I barely managed to salvage my organs and vitals. If any more power was added to that attack I may not have survived". Then he looks up and smiles at me. I scour the seventh and eighth chambers to find multiple daggers and blade arts in the seventh and offensive techniques along with some adult head sized orbs which are completely gold. I of course, take everything and then go back to the computer room. I retire to bed, stripping to boxers before climbing in my covers and dozing off.

Once again, i happily had no nightmares. When I wake I bath and brush, changing into white taoist robes and gloves, I then go back into the world of Rea assembling all my companions. I tell them all to assault the chains of Rea tower with their full power nonstop. I exclude blacky, Gebu and Chin from this. Telling Chin to stay in the vicinity I take Gebu and blacky as Aradon sends me a mental message "Morning. Todays the day of your entrance exams of the school. Its a rank 7 institution close in might to a rank 6 institution. Its name is the Floating Cloud School, Ill send you the route and floor plans". I thank him before going to Kate, I gather up the family and tell them that Ill be going to the martial institution. I get warm hugs and smiles from them all then Kate grabs my arm and removes a dog tag chain from her neck which she holds out to me. I take it and put it around my own neck..not like I have a choice. Pa says to call him if I need anything at all to which I nod. He hands me a small storage pouch which holds some clothes from his younger days and some monofilament wires which he uses. After I say my goodbyes I move to my estate world where I groom my horse. I scoured countries and paid with sweat to buy the most brutal and psychotic horses I could find. Then the horses mated and produced quite the glorious offspring. I gave the parent horses to Kate and started nurturing the colt(young male horse). Now its a large stallion with a calm nature, but dangerous to be around when angered. It took blood and sweat to craft the horse's armour and change its shape to my desire. The horse is a black stallion with unnatural glossy hair. Standing at 6.2 feet With rippling muscles I named him Moonlight Dancer. I jump on my horse's back and a contented snort comes from his nostrils. I drive him to a canter before our surroundings change to that of a populated town. Vision blurs around me as I transfer the image and route of the school to my horse who neighs once before he moves into a gallop. After 30 minutes of riding we reach our destination and I draw Moonlight Dancer back into my estate world before I walk up the steps caved into a mountain. The view is beautiful; tall mountains surround the school with lush forests and trees. A gentle breeze stirs the trees and they sway slightly and their leaves rustle softly. At the top of the stairs, which takes me 3 minutes to climb a slim man walks up to me blocking my path. He wears brown leather armour and his sword is in his scabbard on his left side. His tone is bored as he lays a hand on his hilt "Whats your purpose here?". My eyes travel to his helm which is a pointed medieval style helmet. He looks to be in his early twenties, I see skill in his posture which to others would appears nonthreatening. His eyes appear lazy and unconcerned but behind the veil he is intelligent, eyes studying me critically and I then realise that he may feel somewhat threatened to place his hand on his hilt. After just a fraction of a second of my eyes roving over his body the guard takes a step forward making the distance between us a feet away. Sword light flashes and I see his blade move swiftly out of his hilt in a killing arc towards my head. I dodge by crouching, my robes fluttering. However, unlike how I planned the blade stops at a tenth of where my head just was and comes down in a cleaving arc. I roll backwards as the blade causes upheavals to the ground beneath it. I take 2 steps back after the roll as I stare at the guard. The man impales the tip of his blade into the ground and says "Kid, if you manage to beat me you'll gain entry into the school..though if you fail you wont get out of the hospital for months - hence why its just you here". I frown then nod once. 'Alright then...'. I remove the glove on my right hand lowering the power output to 5% as I dont intend to kill him. Fluid sword light descends in an arc aimed at my shoulder. I catch the blade and my alchemical tattoos surge with crimson light in arcs that deconstruct his sword then damage his right arm. The guard steps back with a smug look on his face as he says "Go in. After the gate turn right and you'll see the other initiates". I walk past him and look up at the gate seeing it stand at over 20 feet, its a crisscross of beautiful gilded metal that has various mountains and clouds on the surface, some with lightning dancing across the sky and hitting the earth. Past the gate and to my right I see 10 young people and an older man. I walk over to them and most of the youngsters snort at me with arrogance, I ignore them all completely while I look at the instructor. The older man speaks up "There will probably be more people coming but for now you eleven will fight amongst yourselves.(He looks to me and points) You'll fight Vera. The rest of you I dont care about". I hear grumbling that the newcomer is a weakling and doesnt deserve it...yada yada. I turn to them and say "Vera, lets get this over with". Most of the other initiates look at me with horror and shock, the rest with increased arrogance saying "Fool, Vera is the strongest amoung us. You court death!". Again I ignore them as a slim woman with a ponytail steps out. She is dressed in green robes and says "I am Vera-" She stops suddenly as she meets my eyes then says with anger "Fight me at your peril scum". I bristle at that thinking of the pain I endured and decide to take out my anger on her. I remove both gloves and release the limit to 100%. We are surrounded by a green glow, the 2 combatants appear on a grey tournament style platform 100metres by 100 metres. The 9 spectators sit on chairs as they watch the show. I jump up 4 times then stretch my arms. Vera doesnt bother with exercise and just flares her aura: a dull strong gold colour. 'Peak old realm eh'. The muscles in my arm ripple followed with cracking bones. I dont release my own aura and a second after my bones crack she charges with hands changed to claws. 'How dare you challenge me. Your father!' I let her claw come 3cm to my face before I pivot on my right foot and deliver a full body punch to her solar plexus. She takes 3 heavy steps back and at first she is stunned before anger flashes in her eyes. I was just testing her out, now I know how much power output is needed. The fool charges again, not underestimating me she uses her full speed and I see shockwaves. I see a fist rapidly closing the distance and I see blurry space, I estimate where her stomach is before striking with my cutting wards. For a second nothing happens, then I see a mouthful of blood pour out of her body which turns normal now. Looking down I see an incision on her stomach 2 inches long 2cm deep. She gasps and I frown. I take a step forward activating my bludgeoning wards to their full extent on my right hand and deliver an uppercut which sends her flying for a few feet before she slams on the ground. Dazed and unbalanced she stands up again slightly staggering. I sneer at her "Better stay down, I dont need to waste energy that way". As blue light surrounds her a low growl comes from my throat. The light turns green then red. I mentally shake my head, 'Using such a technique just for a simple sparring session. Imbecile'. I detect a change in her body as I start to shift my bones and deposit all my weights into my storage. Once my bones are fully back in place I stand straight and stretch a little. Vera is using a technique that causes the user sblood to evaporate, they also use all their mana as a result they can unleash a hundred or more times their natural power". I snort loudly saying 'That technique wont save your ass'. Vera disappears and that sheer simple movement causes heavy depressions in the earth and distorts space-time. In a quarter of a second she is behind me throwing out a powerful fist attack from my left side. The attack pushes all in its way aside, the earth is forcibly and heavily ripped out in large amounts like a child playing with toys. I hold out my right hand 'Ward of flame, enhanced with my destructive tattoo". A white ward appears in the middle of my palm and crimson lightning swirls across my arms in large arcs. Almost instantly the energy synchronizes and shoots forward like a cannonball. Its almost like a line was painted in front of me and anything in front of it turns to ash. Gigantic white flames eat at the air, space-time and ground burning all in its way. Deep sky blue arrows the size of spears levitate above me in preparation for my opponent whose right arm is in tatters as she attempts to pulverize me with her left fist. 'Spears! Spin and descend'. I teleport 60 metres away as 5 spinning arrows bury themselves in Vera's body. The arrows turn white and detonate. I jump off the platform not intending to be killed by my own attack. The platform explodes with large parts of debris moving across the  sky. Levitating over said former platform I see that near half is charred so badly its unsalvageable, the other half has multiple gouges dozens of feet deep. I see a prone figure lying midway of the craters and I see that she has chunks of flesh torn out of her sides and her head is wounded and bleeding. The bones in her legs are bent at awkward angles, the bone sticks out and some flesh is charred. I straddle her stomach and start punching her face and stomach callously. I heavily step on one of her legs and a resounding crack is heard that echoes through the compound. It is quickly followed by an animalistic howl of pure suffering and agony..almost like the person is on the verge of madness. My hand slowly reaches out to one of the wounds on her stomach, I decide to apply a vile poison to her insides which will provide pure anguish for months. Even if you go into a coma you'll still feel it...'My new special blend..'

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