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We meet again!

Thats the only thing that came across my mind.

She was behind her desk and as soon as she saw me she got up and straightened her black dress. Isnt she so beautiful? I thought to myself.

I could feel her eyes on me. But ignoring her completely, I kept staring at her like a creep. Her right eyebrow twitched up in confusion. I heard her clear her throat to get my, which she already had, but my mind and heart was busy drowning in her deep sea of her hazel eyes. I immediately knew that that she is gonna be the death of me. I am definitely falling for her and that is not gonna end well.

I dont know why but I felt her eyes getting bigger and clearer. Until I realized that she was standing right in front of me. Our faces just few inches away. It took the whole of me to fight the urge of kissing those pink lips. And I continued staring her lips until she cleared her throat again just a bit louder this time totally gaining my attention.

Shoot! She must be thinking I am such a creep

"Mr. Sequira time is money and you are certainly wasting mine. And I DO care about mine even if you dont care about yours which I can clearly see you dont. she whisper-shouted at me. If looks could kill I would be barbequed till now due to the fiery glare she was throwing at me."

But even in this situation I was thinking to myself about how feisty she was.

I swear I tried my best but I just couldnt help but grin at that thought.

By looking at her expression she dint look quite pleased with my response so I just added a quick sorry and looked down at the floor.

When I finally held myself together I looked up and it seems that she was looking at me the whole time I was looking down. As soon as she saw me looking at her she closed her eyes. After few moments she composed herself back into her CEO persona she finally spoke.

"Back to business shall we?" she looked directly in my eyes. A loss of words had struck me because of which I couldnt answer so I just simply nodded.

With that she continued, "So Mr. Sequira kindly have a seat and hand me your resume and the needed documents."

"Yes, sure!"

I fiddled with my folder and gave her all the things required. She grabbed it from my hand and started going through them, humming here and there and flipping to the next page.

After going through all the documents she started with the questionnaire.

"So this is your first ever job?" and here we go. This at the moment is almost like a Deja vu.

"Not really I did work for a café for a month but left."

"May I ask you why?" she enquired.

"Not that I was kicked out or something, I had to leave my apartment in Houston and come back here to live with my mom."

"Oh I see, you might be having the degree but you lack in experience. Never mind you can work here. Would you care to join from tomorrow itself? I mean if thats not a problem for you. And if its a yes then your work time would be from 8 am to 4 pm every day. Also Sunday would be a holiday for you. And as you are inexperienced Miss. Elena would help you tomorrow and if you have any doubt you can enquire with her. Is that clear and okay with you Mr. Sequira?"

"Oh absolutely. That would be just great. I really appreciate it!" I said with a genuine smile.

"Okay then Mr. Sequira Ill see you tomorrow then!"

"Certainly. Thank you so much again Miss Cooper!"

You may leave now.

And with that I left. I would have literally danced on her desk if she wouldnt be present in the same room. Now Im officially not jobless. This feels good like I am used to this kind of good now the only two things bothering me is my moms trust issue and also that I hope Zara never recognizes me that I was that asshole who stole her bag.



Who was that man? Like why would he steal my purse when he was gonna return it anyways. Im super glad I have my purse back but for someone reason I cannot get my mind of the whole situation and HIM. It may sound strange or maybe not but I wanna meet that man. I do wanna know the reason behind him keeping my bag back.

When I turned to go back to the florist I saw an elderly woman on her knees pouring her eyes out. I quickly ran to her and hugged. And it did not take her long to hug me back. I tried to calm her down by rubbing her back. It did take some while but calmed down. I did not realize that we were still on the ground and I was still hugging her. We finally let go of each other, not that I was complaining but still that position was pretty uncomfortable.

Thank you so much dear, may god bless you! she said while holding my cheek and then left without saying any word. But I feel she left so that she can avoid my questions. I dont know what happened but she was looking at the robber and looked shocked and then crying.

Uh I dont know what to think, like it would be wrong if I jump to conclusions. But I think that thief might be related to her like a family member.

Whatever I should return home and prepare a presentation for the meeting tomorrow.

I dont know how he looks as his back was faced towards me. But one thing I know that I will surely do anything to find that thief.









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