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I got up early with the piercing sound of the alarm, muttered some curse words under my breath and at last got out of the bed. 'It's gonna be a busy day for me!' I thought to myself. I cleaned up and dressed in a white shirt, tie and some black denims. I tucked in the shirt, set my hair and got my shoes on. Checking all my documents and resume for the hundredth time, I left a note for Jonah that I was leaving and got going. I decided to go to café first for a quick breakfast.

I was a lil bit nervous for the interview. Who am I kidding, I was hell lotta nervous. To the point that my sweat is dripping like fucking Niagara falls. At least I'm not stinking....I think?

I had my favorite white latte and a slice of banana walnut cake. After a scrumptious breakfast I mentally prepared myself for the interview and left the café. I decided to walk to the first place as it was hardly ten minutes. The first interview was with the tailor for the sidekick job. Honestly speaking I really wished I did not get a job here. Like really, who wants to be a sidekick. Not that being a personal assistant is any better, it is the same as being a sidekick but yeah, much better than this.

When I reached my destination, I studied the exterior. I had already started mentally judging the place just by its exterior. When I entered I saw a lady, receptionist, who was busy chewing her gum and applying her nail polish. Just looking at her face you say that she is already done with life. I personally think she did not get laid for a long time. Why is my mind always in gutter? Christ. She looked like she was in her mid-thirties or something. Whatever none of my business.

I went towards her desk and slightly knocked the desk to get her attention and...

"Hey, Morning I'm Damon Sequira..." I started but was about to continue went I was interrupted with the 'POP' noise of her gum. For fuck sake.

"...Ugh I was here for a job interview with Mr. Simmons" I continued.

"Yaya yes you do he will meet you in five please have a seat till then" she said in a bored and a monotonous tone after looking in so book.

Ohhhhh I so don't wanna get a job here just by imagining seeing her every morning.

Seated, I was just hoping that the Simmons guy is not as boring as her. After about ten cruel minutes Mr. Simmons arrived.  He went straight to the receptionist and greeted her. He turned to look at me when she told-pointed at me. I stood and greeted him with a 'formal' handshake "Morning Mr. Simmons. It's a pleasure meeting you"

He just simply shook my hand and nodded. Okay, good start I guess.

After about a million questions he finally said "I think you are capable for the job..." fuck yes I am, "...but I think you need a bit practice than you may do this job." The fuck is he saying?! "I'll call you if get the job. So u may leave know." Music to my ears.

The second interview office was 30 minutes far from here so I took a cab.

Okay so lemme give u all a short summary about how the interview went – "IT SUCKED!"

As simple as that but ya it's the truth. Firstly give that man a perfume, he smelled like dogs r probably their shit. But not just that he doesn't have any basic human decency. Like who sneezes without covering and burping like you are the only man around. I swear I'm not exaggerating but there was booger in his nose. It looked like this Homo sapiens was completely ignorant about bathing. I hope my clothes don't catch fleas for fuck sake. I politely, lmao, smiled and left.

Now to the third interview. This was near my house so I decided to go there at the last so hat after that I could directly go home.

I really prayed that this one was acceptable or else I had no choice but accept the sidekick of the tailor job.

Whoa! Like just whoa...

This building was huge. And like a proper business place unlike the others which I went. Men and women dressed in proper work dresses. Everything so systematic. I wished the CEO likes me and get a job here.

I went towards the reception to inquire.

"Hello Sir, how may I help you?" she asked politely.

"Uh... I was here for a job interview" I answered.

"Mr. Damon Sequira is it?"

"Yes that's me"

After making a call which I suppose was to the one taking my interview, CEO of the company.

Funny enough that I don't even know the name of the CEO though I have heard a lot about this company but never actually gained that much of interest in knowing the detail about it.

I was snapped back to reality when the receptionist called out my name.

"Oh please follow me, Miss. Zara Cooper is expecting you."

I followed her like a lost puppy to the office of CEO. She opened the door to the office, and I was welcomed by familiar brown eyes waiting for me.

I thought to myself...

'We meet again!'

Hey guys!!
Rutz here...BACK AT IT AGAIN!!



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