Chapter 1 : Azuvera

Start from the beginning

After few stations that only took minutes to pass through the portals, she finally arrived at the Council house station. After walking for awhile from the station in the capital, she arrived at the council house. She walked inside the premises staring at the large place that almost looked like a castle. In 28 days this was going to be her new home.

Greeting the workers and council members on her way she reached Lady Taia's study. She stepped inside the large room once she was allowed to. The room had wooden floors which were centuries old and in the middle of the room was a set of couches and a coffee table. At the end of the room was a mahogany table where Lady Taia sat behind. Even though it was quite a room large it didn't have many windows, so it required lights even during the day time. There were two windows only at beginning of the room, quite odd, but whoever built it all those years ago must've had their reasons.

"I read your report of last week from the Ornery land. I must add that your improvement is rather slow" she started the conversation.

Expecting the reaction from her, Nova's head hung low as she stared at her shoes.

"I need you to explore more, study more, not just about the people Nova. Their laws, the technology basically everything".

Nova nodded slowly raising her head to meet her eyes. Nova felt like a weak lamb under her gaze. Lady Taia radiated of confidence, she was fierce like a lioness and even the bravest warriors felt intimidated around her. She was born to become the ruler.

Nova didn't understand why Goddess Azura chose her. She was nothing like lady Taia. The last time Azura chose a ruler with a weak power, a war broke out. Stories said it was because she couldn't control her own powers that every ruler receive once they are in the position. But no one really knew the truth or they didn't want to say. However, the surprise was that Azura can't ever choose someone with a power so weak. And this was her second time. Nova kept asking herself why she was chosen, the sceptor never made mistakes. So there must've been a reason why she was chosen. Oh was it really a mistake?

Sensing the lack of confidence of Nova, lady Taia sauntered towards her. "Look me in the eyes when I speak to you Nova" she said to her. Lady Taia wasn't much taller than Nova, but with the bright yellow heels she wore to her black laced dress she towered over her. Nova saw the same symbol on Lady Taia's write that was on her's. It was Azura's symbol. To show her power lives within the ruler, that it is in Lady Taia and that it will be in her's.

"You may not be the ruler yet, but remember you don't ever look down when you speak to anyone, you don't show your weaknesses".

Nova nodded despondently, clearly intimidated by her.

"I understand the sort of pressure on your shoulders, Nova. I do. But there isn't anything  anyone could do about it. You need to push past your limits in order to take the responsibilities. Do you understand what I'm telling you"

"I do understand. I will try my best" Nova replied timidly.

With a nod Lady Taia said "You may go. I believe you have battle training now"

"Yes, thank you".

"Nova" before she left, Lady Taia began turning her head slightly to look at Nova "You only have 28 days. You need to prepare"

Nova couldn't find herself to give her reply so she nodded at her left the head quarters. She closed the door behind her and blew out a breath she didn't realize she was holding.

Every time she was inside there, with Lady Taia she felt like she was suffocating. No matter how many times she had been there. She could never get used to it.

A device vibrated in her pocket indicating she got a message. She pulled out a square shaped device to see she received a message from Kyron, one of her close friends.

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