🌸My Soul - Switch?🌸

Start from the beginning

Kakashi sighed, "you children really are a pain. Naruto, you can use Sasuke. Sakura, learn to use Hinata. We're done here. Go out and do some training or something."

The four kids, still holding each other's arms, watched as Kakashi pulled out a book and walked out of the room.

"So this is it." Sakura glared at Sasuke, "our partnership is over, just like that?"

"Yeah. Sucks, too. It was your night to do dinner."

"Yeah? Well that's your loss!" Sakura spat in his face before taking Hinata's hand and dragging her outside, "let's go, Hinata. We have training to do."

Naruto burst out into laughter, "man, she was upset, wasn't she? Let's go, Sasuke! We have to train so we can go take on a mission and show them what we've got."

"Yeah. Sure." Sasuke nodded and watched Sakura as she walked off with Hinata.


"Let's go, Soul Resonance!"

Sakura held the Demon Blade and swung, "wh-what's supposed to happen?"

"You're supposed to be able to use the Sacred Sword Mode."

"No way... This won't work." Sakura set the Demon Blade carefully onto the ground and sighed, "sorry, Hinata. We need to work on getting Naruto and Sasuke back to their original partners."

Hinata transformed back and nodded, "yeah, I agree."


"Well, what do you know..." Sakura crossed her arms as Naruto and Sasuke ran up to them, "giving up already?"

"Kakashi-Sensei assigned a mission to us!" Naruto grinned, "let's see what you guys can do!"

"N-no, Naruto!" Hinata grabbed his arm, "if we go out there like this, we can die. We're not ready. Let's just switch back--"

"No way. We're gonna prove to you that we've got this."


Sakura and Naruto cautiously walked through the forest and looked around slowly.

"You're sure this is the right place, Naruto?" Sasuke, in Demon Scythe form, called out.

"This is it. I'm pretty sure."

Sakura glared at him, "you're pretty sure,huh?"

"I'm not feeling good about this..."

Sakura felt the blade she held in her hand tremble, "don't worry, Hinata. I won't let you get hurt."

Naruto looked at her before turning back to the path, "you feel that, don't you, Sakura?"

"Yeah." Sakura gripped the handle of the Demon Blade and nodded, "of course I do. Come out! There's no point hiding!"

"Heh..." A form slowly stepped out, "I'm offended. I didn't think the Konoha Academy would send children to defeat me. I thought I'd be up against more than this. How boring."

Wait a sec...Sakura peered at the man that stood before them, "his soul doesn't look right..."

"Alright, Sasuke!" Naruto held the Demon Scythe ready to fight, "ready to show off what we got?"

"I suppose..."

Naruto took off running towards the man and swung as hard as he could without thinking about their souls' wavelengths. Before the blade could hit, an electric shock surged through Naruto's body and he dropped the scythe, "ow!! Sasuke, what the heck! That hurt!"

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