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Months Later...

"And all done." Shaylee smiles, taking a vile of Naomi's blood. She quickly wipes away the excess blood and plasters on the rainbow glitter bandage over her arm. "And because you're my favorite patient, you get a big... strawberry lollipop."

"I'm your only patient."

"Shut up and take the candy." Shaylee chuckles, handing the child the lollipop. Naomi smirks as she opens it and thanks her older sister for the sugary goodness. Weeks ago, Shaylee had finally managed to create her own version of her mother's lead cure. It took her six days straight of pure concentration and an occasional snack and nap breaks in order for her to finally execute the cure.

Since Naomi is the only half Daxamite and half Kryptonian, Shay had to be extra careful with her treatment. However, Naomi's weaknesses were not as strong and deadly as those who are a pure breed. Shay was able to figure out a way to use that to her advantage. Kryptonite is one of the most lethal substances to Kryptonians and because of its incredible cell killing capabilities, it would be enough to get rid of the ones that cause her Daxamite lead allergy. Taking the Kryptonite, she genetically alters it so that it reduces all excruciating pain factors and keeps the dosage as low as possible. She adds in saline, which is used to heal most of the Legionnaires, to the vaccine in order to keep Naomi's electrolytes count up while her body is fighting fo get rid of the lead.

Shaylee had divided the treatments into a set of three, making sure it didn't cause negative effects. The first treatment was the worst. Even at a small and altered dosage of Kryptonite, it caused the child to be severely weak and ache all over. She was forced to remain under a yellow sun lamp for two days straight before gaining back her energy. Kara and Mon-el had wanted to stop the treatments but after seeing the results of the first one, they both decided it was best for Naomi to continue with them. Five weeks later, they had finished the treatments and are now waiting for the final results.

Shaylee goes to the lab and quickly runs the bike of blood through the machine and slowly searches for the lead allergy causing cells. After ten minutes the machine spits out the results and reveals Naomi's current state.

0 of cells found.

Beaming with pride and joy, Shay turns off the machine and does her best to keep her mouth shut, wanting to surprise Kara and Mon-el during Naomi's Birthday movie night, tonight.

"Alright kiddo. You're officially cleared to get back to full training. Go suit up and we'll start."  Shaylee beams.

"Okay! Yayy!" Naomi shouts. Since her allergies have resurfaced, both Shaylee and Kara decided it would be best to take Naomi's training at a slower pace, not wanting to push her too hard. Today is the first day where they are finally going full on as they used to.

Naomi runs back out of the bathroom and starts twirling around in her suit, making her cape go haywire. All the DEO agents chuckle at the child's silliness as they continue to work. Together they walk into the training room and run their usual session. Flight patterns, lazer focusing, freezing techniques, and cape tricks were all apart of today's agenda.

"Okay ready and... Cape! Latch! Wrap! Watch those feet kiddo." Shaylee instructs. "Go again."

Naomi repeats the technique over and over until she seems to be improving. Shaylee watches contently as sees the child slowly picking up the proper techniques and how far she has come since they're first session three months ago.

Mon-el and Kara walk in to begin their training and didn't realize the training room is still in use. Together, they stand at the door frame and watch as Naomi trains. It gives both parents a sense of pride watching their daughter work so hard and have it pay off. Kara's eyes begin to tear up as she's watching Naomi, seeing how much she has improved since her first session.

"Okay kiddo. Last sequence okay? Then we're done."

"Okay I'm ready." Naomi replies.

Shaylee begins to throw punches at Naomi and she immediately ducks, dodging all the throws that was coming her way. She takes the end of her cape and swings it onto Shaylee's arm. The fabric clings onto Shay's wrist and using all her strength, Naomi flips Shaylee over. Shay rolls onto the floor then immediately stands up, giving Naomi a hug.

"Yes kiddo! That's what I'm talking about!"

"That's my baby!" Mon-el shouts, clapping as he walks into the room. Naomi runs into his arms and Mon-el peppers her cheeks with kisses. "Look at you, little miss professional."

"Thank you Daddy."

"You did such an amazing job." Kara smiles, with proud tears sliding down her cheeks. Naomi wipes them away with her tiny thumbs and plants a kiss on her mother's cheek, hoping it'd get her to stop crying.

After losing Mon-el, Kara thought that Naomi would never be the kind and brilliant kid she once was. However, she was proven wrong. Naomi came out so much stronger and wiser. It's like she aged ten years within a blink of an eye and it makes Kara realize the heartbreaking reality, her daughter is growing up.

"I'm fine baby. I'm fine. Just proud of you that's all." Kara beams, stroking the girl's hair. "Go get cleaned up. Auntie Lena is coming to get you soon."

Shaylee and Naomi skip out of the training room and Kara and Mon-el begin their session. For the last five months, they had studied Reign's fighting techniques and have tried to figure out the best methods to defeat her. One of the skills necessary is cape tricks, a skill Kara has yet to acquire. Mon-el gives her the basic foot work and fabric techniques to start off with. Kara quickly grasped onto the information and repeats the steps perfectly. However, as they continue to get into more complex sequences, she found it hard to keep up. The fabric didn't latch tight enough, her feet are in the wrong place, and she was open for any hit almost 80% of the time.

"Naomi made this look so easy." Kara mumbles in frustration. Mon-el notices her struggling to keep up and decides to slow it down, taking it one step at a time. As time goes by, Kara had felt she barely made any progress, only causing her frustration to grow.

"I think we need a quick break." Mon-el advises.

"No, go again."

He nods and they run over the fighting sequence once more. Mon-el begins to throw punches and latch his cape around Kara's leg. She manages to remove it and suddenly, her anger and frustration comes pouring out of her. She takes her cape and wraps it around Mon-el's body, throwing him on the ground. Mon-el rolls to the wall and slams right into it, causing him to hit his back against the wall.

"Oh my god Mon-el I'm sorry." Kara apologizes. "I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine Kara, I'm alright. I think that's enough for the day. I'll meet you at the loft for movie night." Mon-el states, getting up. Kara watches as he walks out of the room and closes the door. She let's out a deep breath and paces around the room, trying to figure out what just happened.

Her mind was clouded. As they were training, Kara gets a flood of memories back to her. She loves Mon-el with her whole heart but there were things that he has done that she had not been able to quite let go.

Their first training session together was during a very rough time for Kara. Her relationship with Mon-el was not going well and the actions he had done caused Kara to rethink whether or not if he deserved a second chance. The frustration of not being able to grasp the concept mixed with their past training sessions caused her to lose control of her actions.

"Mama, Auntie Lena is here."

"I'll walk you out."

Kara takes Naomi's hand and they walk out together to the main DEO office. She greets Lena and thanks her for taking Naomi out for the evening. They quickly exchange a few words before Kara heads off to continue her job as Supergirl.

I'm back. Sorry for the late update but I've been soaking up a bit of the summer before I head back to summer school again. It's eight hours of P.E. in California weather... shoot me. Anyways, more Karamel coming your way soon and thanks so much for reading. Until next time, byeeeee.

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