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Namjoon was now sitting at the small podium, waiting to be questioned by Ron, the accusers lawyer.

"So Namjoon. Were you not the one who attacked Mr. Park?"

He smirked, circling the young teen.

"I did, but-"

"Aha! There you have it."

"You didn't let me finish. I did it for self defense."

"That's what they all say."

"I attacked him from behind because he was molesting his own son. My other friends were hurt so I took action."

"And do you have proof of this supposed attack?"

"All the injuries my friends here sustained, especially Hoseok. He hasn't woken up since then."

"Oh really? He could just be faking it."

"He wouldn't be the type to do that."

"Really now-"

"That's enough Mr. Ron."

The Judge comments, Jimin was now being called up to the stand. Sweating and slightly trembling he makes his way up, taking a seat.

"So Jimin, is it true that your father was in the midst of molesting you?"

Watson asks, sympathetically eyeing the teen.

Jimin looked down at his hands in shame, feeling his face redden vision becoming foggy behind his own tears.

"Jimin, you have the freedom to say what you need to say. We're here to listen, we're trying to help you."

His lawyer reassures him, Jimin looks up to see his mother covering her mouth, aghast with tears streaking down her face. He looked towards his friends, Jungkook looking shocked along with Taehyung and Jin, Namjoon remained calm and finally Yoongi. His face displayed so much fiery that he was basically turning into a deep shade of red, veins throbbing from his neck. His hands were balled into fists, his biceps flexing so tightly and visibly.

"Y-Yes, he did."

"My son was no faggot!"

His grandmother roared, the Judge hastily silences her.

"Please describe the encounter."

Jimin blinking, tasting salty tears. Swallowing thickly he exhales and straightens up.

"All of my friends were hurt and unconscious. I was the only one left and he slammed me against a table then threw me down onto the bed....and...a-and I was bent over."

Choking back tears he painfully continues.

"H-He started touching me. I-I screamed for my m-mom, for anyone to save me-"

He was then cut off by a loud wailing causing him to see what the commotion was all about. He sees his mother clutching onto Jihyun's shirt, sobbing with a great shudder. A loud bang echoes throughout the room, Yoongi had slammed his hands down onto the table in pure frustration, not being able to control his outrage. It was his first time hearing about this and he wanted to get his hands on Mr. Park's dead body.

"And that's when Mr. Kim came in?"


"That's all we needed."

His lawyer nods, Jimin gets up and heads back to the table. Taking a seat Yoongi immediately takes his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

It was now Taehyung's turn.

"How's your arm doing?"

"Hurts like a bitch."

A few of the jury laugh as the two continue.

"How did you sustain the injury?"

"Jimin's father broke it after I tried to protect Hoseok. After that he broke my nose and I passed out from blood lose, it was pretty bad."

Jungkook was now up at the stand.

"Mr. Jeon, were you at the scene?"

"Not exactly-"

"He has no evidence! He's useless to the trail."

Ron butts in, the rest ignoring him.

"As I was saying, I wasn't there to help out. But I was the one who slashed Mr. Park's tires to-"

"Objection! Damage of property!"

Mr. Ron yells, Jungkook clearly being annoyed cleared his throat and continued.

"I slashed his tires to buy time while the rest helped with the rescue of Jimin's family. After Jimin was kicked out of his home he was badly beaten so Yoongi took him in. We fabricated the plan in just a day and commenced it during night."

Last but not least was Jin.

"So you, I heard you were the second head of the plan."

"Yes, I must admit. My handsome face does tend to hide my pure genius."

"A very funny man I see. So were you dragged into the struggle against the older man?"

"Not exactly, I was-"

"Another useless testimony!"

"Will you shut the fuck up!?"

Jin spat, clearly having enough of Ron.

"I was the one who sketched out a lay out of Jimin's home and lead the team around with the help of Namjoon."

With clear evidence and testimoniales everything was looking good for the boys. With more endless arguments from the accuser's side the trial was coming to a wrap.

"The head of jury, have you made your decision?"

The judge turns to face the group of people, a woman around her sixties stood.

"The jury has found Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook, Kim Taehyung, Min Yoongi, Kim Seokjin, Kim Namjoon, and Jung Hoseok innocent with the supposed murder of Mr. Park."

Mrs. Park gasped in horror, the color draining from her once colorful face. She fainted but was caught by her lawyer.

The judge smacked his gavel, everyone getting up to leave.

The boys all silently celebrated, Jimin being tackled into a embrace by his only family.

It was finally over.

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