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The passing days were hell.

Literal hell.

After Jimin's father found out that Yoongi was in the same conversion classes with his son, they immediately seperated the two.

"Why didn't you tell me when you saw that disgusting gay in class!?"

His father spat in fury barely taking notice of the situation two weeks late.

"Because it doesn't matter."

Jimin fumed in annoyance.

"It matters because he rubbed his satanic ways on you."

"I'm done with this conversation."

His son exhaled against the foggy car window.

"Done with this conversation? Who do you think you are?"

"Your satanic son, who fucking else?"

"Watch your language, don't you dare talk back to me."

"OoO! You sure spooked me there for a sec pops."

"I'm warning you. Fix your attitude or-"

"Or what? Gonna whip the homosexual out of me? I guess Yoongi was right all along."

He turns to face his father, seeing a vein throb from his temple, knuckles white against the leather steering wheel.

"Jimin, apologize this instance."

"Oh i'm sorry for being in the same class as my boyfriend. I didn't know it bothered you so much wow-"


His father gritted his teeth dangerously loud.

"N-No I-"

His father stared ahead, keeping his eyes on the wet road as the rain fell from the dark grey sky. Once they entered the house Jimin was harshly shoved and slammed against the living room wall.

"Boyfriend? I'd like to see you say some shit like that again."

His fist made contact with Jimin's jaw causing his mother to scream from the kitchen, plates shattering against the wooden floor.


Jihyun yells, descending the stairs to witness his father beating Jimin who was laying on the sofa attempting to cover the harsh blows.

"Dad! What the fuck, stop!"

He runs to the two slamming his whole body against his father to tear him apart from his brother.

"J-Jihyun, g-get mom."

Jimin gasped in agony holding his stomach.

He looked terrible.

Busted lip, bruised face, blood dripping from his lips and down to his chin, heavy breathing with a few shakedly wheezes.

"Oh god Jimin."

He turn to face his father with a look of pure disgust.

"You fucking piece of-"

Jihyun swung his arm back ready to beat his own father with his own two hands.

"J-Jihyun no."

His older brother coughed causing him to immediately freeze.

"You wouldn't lay a hand on me would you?"

His father rose onto his own two feet towering over him.

"Who said I wouldn't?"

Jihyun raised his voice.

"Let me teach you a lesson while i'm at it."

He grabs Jihyun by his hair tossing him onto the sofa.

"You're useless, just like your faggot of a brother Jimin."

He wrapped his hands around his neck crushing his wind pipes.


His mother yelled pounding her fists against his back being shoved back by him.

Jihyun was losing oxygen fast.

He began seeing stars, his hands trying to dig into his fathers neck, practically anywhere to free himself. He could see viens throbbing out his father's arms and neck seeing how much pressure and strength he was applying.

This was it.

Tears slid down his temples hearing his mother's screams and attempt of rescuing him.

A loud crack along with a snap echoed throughout the living room, their father's body slamming against the floor.

"Jihyun, w-we have to leave. Now."

Jimin gasped, his hand broken at how hard his blow was.

"Jimin pack your bags."

His father rose from the ground, foam pouring out of his mouth with boiling fury.

"Why didn't I do it sooner? I was too damn soft on you, get out of my house you faggot!"

"What? He doesn't even have anywhere to go."

Jihyun butts in.

"Shut up."

"Honey.....no he's-"

"You stay out of this. He's nineteen, he's practically an adult."

He stormed upstairs as the three heard loud clattering of drawers opening and closing. His father threw the black duffle bag down the stairs watching it roll down Jimin hesitantly picked it up.

"Out out!"

His father shouted shoving his son out of the warm house and into the cold night.

"Jimin! Wait, I have some things I need to tell you!"

His brother shouted trying to get past his father.

"Can't I just speak to him for the last time!? Jimin!"

His brother shoved his father a side embracing Jimin.

"Listen to what I have to say. You have to come back for mom, I don't want her getting beat by our father. I don't care if you leave me behind, please just take her with you as soon as possible. I have a friend who you can stay with, i'll give you the address."

Jihyun whispered.

"I have people to stay with. I'll come back for the two of you, take pictures of your neck so we can use it later. I'll take pictures of my injuries soon so we can use it against him."

Jimin then let go of his brother not turning back as he walked away from his once beloved home.

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