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All day Jimin couldn't help but feel butterflies in his stomach and he doze off all day. Yoongi still had feelings for him and that made Christmas even better. The school was basically praying all day and leaving gifts for baby jesus in the nave. Some even dressed as jesus but were immediately sent home for so called "inappropriate" behavior.

The school was preparing for the Christmas play that would take place after school. Jin was playing Jesus's father and Jungkook was playing some unimportant background character. The school day ended as Jimin went home to change into a proper suit and came back to help prepare with the props. Yoongi was there as well, helping others and looking pretty good in a tuxedo.

It was only six in the afternoon and the sky was pitch black, parents began to file in with their children taking their seats.

"Looking sexy today."

Jimin turns to face Yoongi who was eyeing him up and down as if he were some snack.

"I have a girlfriend."

"Jin told me that you didn't like her."

"How would he know? He isn't dating her."

"You told him yourself."

"Sure I did."

Jimin rolled his eyes, taking off the suits jacket since it was a tad stuffy in the nave. He rolled up his sleeves exposing his toned muscles Yoongi doing the same.

"You're looking like a snack, baby."

"Yoongi stop."

Jimin frowns, turning to help Jin with his costume. Within a few minutes all of the seats are filled, the actors all getting in place.

"Good luck guys."

Jimin gives his friends a thumbs up.

"I'm just gonna be standing."

Jungkook adds.

"Good luck prince."

Namjoon whispers to his boyfriend.

"Everyone in places!"

The theater teacher announces, people scrambling to their places. The lights dim as music begins to loudly play through the speakers. Jimin smiled at the scene in front of him watching from behind the stage curtains as Jin proudly said his lines.

Unfortunately Jungkook tripped and stole the spot light from Jin. Jimin was glad his parents weren't here or they'd laugh about it and embarrass Jungkook till his death bed.

"I have to go use the restroom, i'll be back. Tell me what I missed when I come back."

Jimin tells Namjoon as he slips past the cast and into the restroom. He quickly uses the restroom and washes his hands as he hears the door open and a click. Yoongi appears behind him causing the other to jump in surprise.

"Jesus! Don't scare me like that."

Jimin screeches in anger.

"Remember when I kissed you here?"

Yoongi wraps his arms around Jimin's waist, placing his chin onto his shoulder.

"Remember when I slapped you here?"

Jimin adds escaping his grasp.

"Also we're at school and it's Christmas and you want to remember such sinful acts?"

"I sin everyday."

"Well you shouldn't."

Yoongi grabs his waist and pulls him towards him, the two pressing up against each other.

Church Boy |Yoonmin|Where stories live. Discover now