As if hearing it from outside the coach comes in to see my fist raised in the air and Tex on his knees clutching his bloody nose.

“Reign!” The coach yells, horrified.

My anger suddenly disappears, “I-I, I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me.” I lower my fist back to my side.

“I have no choice but to pull you out of the race, I’m sorry.” Coach Mac says and it suddenly feels as if someone shoved their hand through my chest and pulled my heart out.

“Isn’t there some other way?” I beg with my eyes.

He looks at me but doesn’t say anything and instead tells a boy to go get the nurse when he walks in. After a few minutes of silence he sighs. “Considering all the trouble Tex gave you over the years I’m just surprised this didn’t happen ages ago. I know you and I know that you don’t attack unless provoked to so I’m going to give you detention tomorrow tonight instead of training.”

I nod quickly and grab my gear to leave.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Coach says and I turn to find him looking at me. “I thought I was in trouble.”

“You are but I’m not letting you leave until you show me what you can do out there on that track.”

I smile and quickly put my things back down while I throw a shirt on. Just as I’m exiting the change rooms onto the oval the nurse comes. She shoots me a look that could kill but I simply raise my eyebrows at her. What was that all about?

I shrug it off as coach calls everyone over. “Alright everyone, warm up and then we’re going to have a small race between us.”

A few people whisper and point to me as I stand there next to coach Mac but I pay them no attention as I slowly jog around the oval. It’s difficult to stop my legs from going faster but when the lap is finished and coach calls the race I can’t stop the excitement from overcoming me.

We get into position and when I think we’re about to go there’s a tap at my shoulder. I turn to find it coach Mac. “Reign I want you to give everyone a 10 second head start.” He says and I’m about to argue when I notice all of my friends sitting on the stands.

They all wave and I wave back with a big smile on my face to match theirs. Floyd whispers something to Kate and Nico and I watch their eyebrows raise in disbelief. Coach Mac brings me back to the task at hand.

“Okay everyone, 3 laps!” He says, “On your marks, get set…go!” He blows his whistle and they all take of running.

I wait for the countdown to end for me and as soon as coach says 0 I take off as fast as I can.

My legs carry me without any trouble and after a while I feel as though I’m flying rather than running. In a matter of seconds I’ve caught up to the others. The wind pushes against me trying to force me to slow down but I push against it even harder, I’m not going to let anything stop me now.

A few seconds later and I’m overtaking the lead person with my mind and body going blank except for the thrill in my chest. I can’t believe no one told me I loved running before.

The rest of the race flies by in a blur and before I can even comprehend it I’m running over the finish line of the 3rd lap. I slow and jog another lap as a cool down before I join the group.

Everyone smiles and claps me on the back as they say how happy they are to have me back on the team. Shortly after my friends come down to join us and Kate wraps her arms around me.

“You’re so fast.” She says loudly. “I didn’t believe Floyd when he told me you could outrun a dog, I’m never second guessing him again that’s for sure.”

The Long Run (BoyxBoy-teacher/student) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now