Birthday Boy {T. H.}

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 A/N: This is really short sorrryyyy. Haven't been active recently but HOLY SHIT THANK YOU FOR 5.7K ILY GUYS

  Word Count: 350

   Today is the day that your lovely Thomas Stanley Holland was born 22 years ago. You can't believe how far he has come; all the adventures and memories that come with him. So to celebrate the special boy's day, you, his best mates, and his family went out. 

   "I wanna take you someplace special," Tom brings up. You had just finished your dinner and to be frank, you're ready to crawl into bed. Everybody had already left and the two of you sat at the table by yourselves. You're suspicious that he has something up his sleeve, but you don't push.

   The two of you cruise through the streets of Kingston. The city lights illuminate the inky sky as you two stroll through the streets. You suddenly find yourself in a taxi heading somewhere unknown. You glance at Tom who has a smirk on his face.

   "What is it?" you ask, the curiosity eating you up.

   "You'll see," he winks. 

   He helps you out of the taxi and you find yourself in front of Victoria Palace Theatre, the place where Tom performed Billy Elliot (I think this is the place idk). He grabs your hand and leads you into the theatre. The stage is lit with a spotlight and the audience is blacked out. You are pulled onto the stage and into Tom's embrace. You suddenly hear "Perfect" blare ahead and you're dancing. 

    "Happy birthday Spider-Man," you laugh.

   "I love you Y/F/N," he says as the song ends. You suck a breath in as he gets down on one knee. "And I wanna spend the rest of my life with you, to the very last breath. So, will you marry me?"

   Tears of happiness fall on your cheeks. "I've been planning our wedding on Pinterest for years so that's a hell yes!" 

   The lights in the theatre turn on and in the middle stand Tom's family, Haz, Jacob, and Tuwaine. Harry and Nikki are closer with their huge cameras and snapping photos. 

   "Yes! Yes! Imma have the fucking coolest sister-in-law!" Paddy shouts.

   "PADDY!" his parents screech whilst the twins laugh. 

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