Tattoos {T.H.}

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   Word Count: 609

   A/N- So this is really crappy, sorry about that. You only really need to watch the first eight seconds of the video to get what I'm implying in the imagine. I'll try not to have such a stupid imagine up next time.

   The tattoo artist, Tabitha, handed you a paper towel to wipe away the blood and excess ink on your shoulder. It was your 21st birthday and you wanted to celebrate with your fiance and best friends. 

   "See, I was great I told you, Tom!" you brag. 

   "Yeah, until you squeezed my hand so hard it was purple," he argues. You roll his eyes at him and he helps you wipe your shoulder with the paper towel. 

   "I dare you to get one," you challenge him. A shimmer of confidence glints in his eyes and he give you a smug smile. 

   "Bet," he says. After about twenty minutes of choosing with what to get, Tom takes off his right shoe and tells her what he wants. He lays down on the chair and takes a deep breath in. 

   "Nervous, Holland?" you say. 

   "Nope," he replies. Tabitha comes back in with her needle ready and her gloves on. She starts to outline the design and Tom winces but grits his teeth to prove to you that he could handle it better than you did. 

   "Haz, Harry, are one of you filming this?" you snicker. 

   "You didn't even need to say a word," Harry snickers. 

   "It doesn't hurt, I'm fi- ooooooow that stings!" Tom complains raising his voice an octave higher. 

  "I'm sure it doesn't hurt at all, you totally made that so convincible," Harrison sarcastically comments. 

   When she started to fill it in was when things got really funny. Tom was wincing a lot, which you didn't want to see him in pain, but he would get really big eyes that made you laugh.

   "Y/N this is not funny-ow, ow, ow,- I underestimated you, it really does kinda hurt," he admits in a whisper. 

  You giggle a little bit as the tattoo artist continues to finish her work. 

 ~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~

   It had been about a month since you and Tom got your tattoos and he hadn't told anyone about his yet. You were surprised that Harry didn't rat him out but you wouldn't be surprised if Tom had given him 20 quid to keep his mouth shut. 

  You were watching your eight-month-old niece Adelaide when Tom texted you to come over to his parents' house for lunch. He knew you had Addy and wanted to see your adorable niece and you knew that everyone would love her. So you loaded her and her excessive amount of bags in the car and drove to the Holland's house. Once you arrived and got all Addy and all of her ridiculous bags out of the car, you carried her into the house; the warm, homey smell of the Holland's greeted you with joy. Making your way to the kitchen, you saw Tom, Sam, and Paddy, all of whom swarmed little Addy in hopes of being able to hold and play with her. You handed the baby to Sam who was looking most eager to steal the baby away. Tom was currently doing a handstand whilst you were helping Nikki with some of the food prep. Nikki turned from the counter that she was standing at and walked across to the fridge to get something out. But midway to the fridge, she noticed something. 

   "What's that on your foot?" she asked with curiosity. 

   "Nothing, nothing," Tom replies, obviously trying to put the subject to an end and retires from his handstand. 

  "Thomas Stanley Holland, did you get a tattoo?" You chuckle at the sound of his mother saying his full name.  

   "Yeah, I did. Sorry that I didn't tell you," he says sheepishly.  

   "It's fine. I never told you about my tattoo either."


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