My Best Friend's Dad {P. P.}

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     Word Count: 616

    You and Peter walk into his apartment, your senses of smell greeted by the freshly baked walnut date loaf. 

   "Hey May," Peter announces himself. 

   "Hey. How was school?" she replies. 

   "It was okay. By the way, Y/N's here."

   "Hey Aunt May," you greet. She replies back, welcoming you home.

   "There's this crazy car outside..." Peter begins but falters. You go around the corner to discover what it is that cut him off. 

   Oh shit, you thought. 


   You glare at your father who is currently reclining on the couch next to Aunt May. 

   "Oh, Mr Parker," your father starts.

   "Um, what are you doing... Hey! Uh, I-I-I'm Peter." Peter stutters, struggling to not make a fool of himself but failing epically.  

   "Tony," your father introduces himself.

   "Whadda ya- wadda ya- what are you doing here?" you and Peter say simultaneously, your tone a little more harsh than his.

   "It's about time we met. you've been getting my emails, right?" 

  ~~~~~~Time Skip provided by Dave the mouth frog~~~~~~

   Tony walks out of Peter's room rubbing his wrist. You are currently standing outside Peter's bedroom, your arms crossed to match the bright red frown on your face. Peter walks out behind him and closes the bedroom door; he gives you a weird look but walks away, leaving you and your dad in the hall.   

   "What the hell are you doing here? We made an agreement, you were supposed to stay away during the school week so that I could focus on my life outside the crazy superhuman shit. That is why I went under mom's maiden name," you whisper-shout at your dad.

   "Look Y/N, Steve has gone rogue, and I need some help. So, I decided to call in charming Peter and his insect powers," Tony admits. 

   "Uncle Steve has not gone rogue and keep Peter out of your fight. He does not need to get involved at all. And besides, a spider is an arachnid, not an insect." 

   Tony rolls his eyes and the faint pattering of Peter's footsteps ascend louder down the hall. "Um, Y/N are you and Mr Stark ok? You sound angry at each other. I heard you down the hall."

   Your dad turns to face you, his face painted with a look of amusement. "You haven't told him yet, have you? And it's been like what, four, five years? I think it's about time, don't you think?" he whispers to you.

   "Don't you dare Dad," you reply with anger in your voice. You turn your head to Peter who was currently standing a few feet away from you. His eyes are big because he's nervous, but the deeper you look into them, you find shock. 

   "Peter, there's something I need to tell you," you admit. You turn away from him and look at your dad. Tony is wallowing in this. He thinks it's hilarious. But alas, you have to do this. Your dad was right.  

   "Ye-yeah?" Peter answers, voice quivering. 

   "The reason we were arguing is because Tony is actually my dad. And and and, before you freak out, Watson is my mom's maiden name, my fake dad is a secretary of my real dad, I do have a middle name and it's Mary Jane, and my house is really my house and I live by myself. And please, dear God, do not tell Aunt May." 

   Peter was dumbstruck and it definitely showed. He stuttered and struggled to adjust to all the facts as they were swimming around his head. "I-I, you, dad, what?"

   "I will explain everything later, I promise, but right now you need to pack your bags for Germany."

   "Tony Stark is my best friend's real dad. What the hell."

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