Jeep Saviour {B. B.}

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   A/N: This was my first request ever, so sorry if it's not that good. I would have had it out earlier but I've had a lot of end of school things going on like SAT aka pain in my ass. Hope you enjoy!

   Word Count: 951

   Be on the lookout for Elliot Baker: a 46-year-old man, 6'1, and approximately 200 pounds. Baker was last seen at a gas station on Elkmont Parkway yesterday with his two sons, 13-year-old Caleb Baker, and 16-year-old Bradley Baker. You can find out more details on your local news website. If seen, call the Elkmont Police Department.

   I turned my Jeep radio off and turned on to steep, snowy hill. The gates had been busted through and there were tire tracks in the snow ahead of mine. I stopped momentarily to check my phone, the glow of it illuminating the early morning grey. Bradley had asked me to create a tracker on his phone using an app. I thought it was strange at first until I heard that he was missing. Not to mention the short texts he sent me. He said things like "he's crazy" and "I'm scared." He hadn't texted for a while which made me nervous. Luckily for the both of us, I knew this area pretty well. My uncle used to come here at this time of year for hunting. 

   I put my Jeep back into gear, driving down the other side of the hill. I drive for about 20 minutes before I see skid marks and then a tree with a car smashed into it. I put the Jeep in park and clamber out, ignoring the snow seeping into my boots.  

    "Bradley? Bradley?" I ask the car in panic. I tug on the car handles, but they don't budge. I use my phone flashlight to peer in the car. Empty. A sigh of relief escapes my mouth and I begin to head back to my Jeep, but my eye catches pairs of footprints in the snow. I shine my flashlight down the path. I follow it for about 20 feet until I come to the bank of the lake. Off in the distance, I see three figures trying to cross the ice and then a cabin. 

~~~Time Skip~~~

   I pull into the driveway of the cabin and burst through the door. I started a fire in the fire stove, allowing more heat into the house. I was about to run back outside but then the front door opened, revealing Mr Baker who was holding a soaked and shivering Bradley. Caleb rushed through and I handed him my Jeep keys, telling him to get the blankets out of the trunk. Bradley fell to the floor, coughing and wheezing from the bitter cold. 

   "Y/N?" he wheezes.

   "Shh. I'll tell you later," I say as I take his shirt off. Caleb comes back in with soft blankets. I grab one and wrap it around his brother, still coughing horrendously. After Bradley was warmer, Mr Baker broke the silence.

   "Who are you?" Mr Baker asks harshly.

   "I'm Y/N Y/L/N. I go to school with Brad," I respond, my voice shaky.

   "Not to mention she's Brad's girlfriend," Caleb snorts. 

   "Caleb, shut up!" Bradley snaps. 

   "You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend Bradley," Mr Baker says with a tinge of sadness in his voice. "Why are you here Y/N?"

   I look at Bradley for a brief moment. His eyes were full of alarm and I suddenly remembered some of the texts he sent me. I'm scared he had said. "This is my uncle's cabin. We have burglar alarms on the front gate. I was the only one home at the time so I had to come and check the place out. Make sure nothing was stolen or broken." 

   Mr Baker seemed suspicious of my story. Later he locked Bradley and Caleb in a room and told me to leave. I was still hesitant, but I got in my Jeep and drove a couple miles to make it looked like I had left. I turned around after 20 minutes, speeding toward the cabin. I drove around to the side of that cabin that the boys were in. I got out and the window was higher up than I thought but this was my uncle's cabin. I knew every entrance. I got down on all fours and crawled through the hole behind the dead bush. Underneath the house, I searched for the loose plank that I would always crawl through. I found it and started to push it up quietly when Bradley opened it.

   "What are you doing here? My dad's gonna kill all of us if he finds you!" he whisper-shouted. 

   "Brad, I've got a bad feeling and I want you to come with me. Where's Caleb?" I reply. 

   "Up here," Caleb announced. "Move over, I'm getting out of here," I helped him down and he crawled out from underneath the cabin; disappearing from sight. 

   "Brad, come on we've got to go." 

    "Just give me a minute. Go ahead and get in the Jeep."  I did as he said and waited nervously for him. Looking through the window of the cabin I saw a warm glow, illuminating the night. I heard a rustle and then Brad appeared. As he hopped in the Jeep, we heard a loud, angry "hey" come from behind us. 

   "GO, GO, GO!" Caleb shouted in my ear. I put the Jeep into gear and started to move, but not before Mr Baker had caught up and tried to pull Bradley out of the vehicle.

   "You can't leave!" he shouted.

    "Dad just let me go!" Bradley shouted back. He pushed Mr Baker off of him with tears falling down both of their cheeks. Bradley held my hand and we drove off in the night leaving behind an insane father and a burning cabin. 

   "I love you Y/N," Bradley said softly. "And I will never forget what you've done for me."


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