She rushed towards the door closest to her and tried to pry it open. After a minute of useless pushing, pulling and sliding she was almost about to give up when her gaze landed on an almost invisible ,clear glass panel next to the door. It had a hand imprinted on it. She placed her palm on top of it and let out a gasp when it fit perfectly.

She waited for the door to slide open but nothing happened. Desperate, she tried the same with the other doors near her but found no success.

Why aren't they opening?

Scratching her head in confusion she huffed a sigh and sat down against the wall of the passage.

A lone tear slid down her cheek as she tried to make sense of the situation.

Who am I ?
Nova...Nova Vittosky, a voice whispered in her head.

Yes! I know my name.

How old am I?

She searched for an answer in her brain and soon found one.


What am I ?

How did I end up here?

This time she found no answer.

She repeated the question in her mind but still found no answer. She clawed at her hair and banged the polished floor in frustration.

What have I done to deserve this?

She didn't wait for an answer for she knew she would find none, instead she got up and started walking. She would try all the doors until she managed to open one.

I won't give up. I am gonna get out of here!

She continued walking and approached a bend in the passage. She took a right turn and was met with the same sight. Endless number of doors on either side of her.

But one door stood out in particular. She neared the door. It was a rich cerulean blue in colour, that reminded her strangely of home. It had a shine to it and seemed fairly newer than the other doors she had passed.

She pressed her hand in the panel next to it and gave out a shout of joy when a whir sound followed by the mechanical click of the door unlocking.

The door slowly began to open sideways. Bright light shone in her eyes , making her raise her arms to protect herself from being blinded.

Before she could glance at what lied inside it, she was sucked inside.

When she opened her eyes she was facing the cerulean walls of her room in New Lexys, filled with the usual junk--A TechScreen, a toy wand (that messed up magic), and Computer pens.

The ceiling was lit with a skylight. It was artificial light that gave off heat and felt just like sunlight. A blueprint-printer 2.5 was lying in the corner.

Weapons were hung on the wall opposite her bed and her favourite sword Ignis and her twin blades were placed next to her medals and badges of honour.

The Photon blaster and Void Phaser were safely locked in her wardrobe.

Photon blaster's emitted beams of blue energy made of photons. It usually shocked a person and momentarily blinded him or her.

Void Phaser was a totally different thing though. It's functioning was really complex and it had a history of glitching. Not exactly safe in a battle thus was used only in emergencies as a last resort.

She was surprised she remembered this much when she couldn't remember how she had ended up trapped in a maze.

"Nova." she heard her stepmother call. Nova was confused about what was happening when she heard another voice.

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