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Hey! so I noticied that so many of my favorite fanfic authors are having trouble with hate.... so i have some encouraging words for anyone recieving hate for their writing on wattpad or hate in general.

"If you are truly good at something, you are going to be hated. Why you might wonder? because some people are jealous that you can do something they can't, or because you are getting attention and love for something when they don't have any attention or love. Honestly though, the best way to get revenge on the people who give you hate is to keep doing whatever they gave you hate for. Show them that if they can't be nice then they don't matter to you. More importatnly they shouldn't matter to you unless you are using their hate to make yourself a better person (which you might not want to do because you are amazing and beautiful and shouldn't change because some low life doesnt like you.) and the only people who should matter are the people who love you. Those are the people who give up time for you, to appreciate you and make you feel good. Those are the people who leave you space in their heart and those are the only people  who truly matter. The things that others might say is hurtful, there is no denying it, but f them!!!"

OMB!!!! did u hear abt Beyonce and Jay Z showing Justin Bieber's mugshot at their concert!?!?!?!?!?!?! I feel so bad for Justin!! Beyonce is his crush and she basically dissed him in front of her fans!!!!!! I am sooooooooooooooo mad at her!!!!

That's like your crush showing all their friends an embarrassing picture of you!!!!

Comment what you think!!


Luv ya guys!

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