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Sorry I haven't updated!! I have a life though!

Hope you enjoy this one! I changed a quote I found on the internet.

"No one is perfect. It's a known fact and something that we hear often and something we face everyday. But you are perfectly you. No one is like you. You can choose to show your beautiful independent self, or be "cool" and follow everyone else. If you are worried that they will make fun of you, well that's their loss. You are beautiful and different in your own perfect way. How cool is it, that no one else is like you??"

Not my best.😢 sorry!!

The quote basically explains that you "are perfect in your own skin. You are your own person. No one can be exactly like you. Not your closest friends or identical twin. You can try and be like everyone else, but your still your own beautiful self, and instead of wasting your time trying to be something your not, embrace and show you are different and not a wannabe popular girl/ slut ( depends on the school and her friends)"

After reading I just turned both in to quotes cause they were both ok!!

OMG! I kno that no one cares but pandora played fall by the one and only Justin Bieber and then Eenie meenie!!!!!

They never play 2 songs by the same artist in a row!!!

And now I see they are entered as two different artists!!

Oh well still happy!!😋

I am weird and random! I kno!!

Also! Justin bieber fans (aka beliebers😋)

Go to my profile! There is a link to vote justin to performs at the Super Bowl!! One direction is winning so vote every day!! Like me!!;)

And while your there... Be sure to hit that follow button under my awesome profile pic ;)

I write this over like 30min. Of my life and I realized I am really random and weird!!


-A belieber!

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