The HIVE Five Strikes Back

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Robin's POV

I kept pacing around my room, trying to figure out what the fire had done to Gizmo. Perhaps if he gets anmisea, we could make him an Honary Titan. But if he finds out, he'll kill us all. I got an incoming call. It was KF.

"What is it Kid?" I asked.

"Robin, it's Jinx." 

"Why aren't you using yours?" I asked.

"You never gave me one." Jinx replied.

"Sorry about that. I'm working on getting you one, I promise. Now, what is it Jinx?" I asked.

"Something... well, the way Gizmo said something is bothering me." she answered.

"What?" I asked.

"He seems to think I don't care about him anymore." she said.

"Well, you shouldn't. He's a villain, and you're a hero now Jinx. Deal with it." I said.

"I know, but you know what happened to us before we went to the Hive Acadamy." she said.

"Yes, but..." I said but was interupted by the intruder alert going off. "Gotta go Jinx. Robin out." I said, as I rushed to join the others.

"The front door hasn't been touched, " said Cyborg, "and even though no one came in the front door, my sensors are picking up... oh no. It's the Hive Five." 

"How do you.." Beast Boy began, but was cut off by being cut by Kyd Wykkyd's cape.

"Titans go!" I yelled.

Mammoth, See-More, Billy Numerous, and Kyd Wykkyd started to charge.

"Raven, get Beast Boy out of here! He'll bleed to death other wise." I said.

Raven's POV

I teleported Beast Boy away to the hospital, where Jinx and KF were waiting in the waiting room.

"Oh my God, what happened?" Jinx asked.

"Kyd Wykkyd. KF, go help the others. Jinx, I need to talk to you about something." I said.

KF went to go help Robin, while the doctors took Beast Boy to the ER.

"What?" Jinx asked me.


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