broken friendship

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"FINE THEN!" Natashy yelled running out of the hospital crying "let's let him rest for alittle bit and come back later" then they left


Moments later Taehyung woke up with a headache "Arghh!" The boy groaned then all of a sudden the doctor came in with pain killers "Mr.Kim here's some pain killers so the pain well eventually go away" the doctor put the Trey on the bedside table

"Thank you" Taehyung thanked the doctor

(meanwhile at Jungkook's P.O.V)

"Jiminie come here" Suga hyung said from his room " it... h-hyung?" Jimin hyung answered him "come to my room"

I already know what they're going to do
*Sigh* here it goes again

(A few minutes later)

"hm ah h-hyung" I heard Jimin hyung call suga hyung from suga hyung's room or maybe more like moaning

"YOU TWO SHUT THE FRUIT UP!!" Jin hyung yelled lol "I'm so bored without him...." I said "aww kookie it's ok you still have us" Hoseok hyung tried cheering me up "thanks hyung" I smiled at him

Then my phone rang and it was Taehyung "Taehyung!" I yelled "KOOKIE!!" He yelled as well "how is my baby?" I asked "I'm good just in a hospital I don't know why"


"WHAT?! WHY?!" I asked him "didn't I said I don't know" he replied sarcastically "psh don't say such lies" I said "yeah yeah, whatever " then I heard suga hyung "J-JIMIN AHH!" Then Jin hyung yelled louder than I pig dying

"YOU TWO STOP WHAT YOUR DOING RIGHT NOW!!" He yelled "I DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT YOU SAY OR DEMAND!!" Suga hyung yelled back furiously leaving a shock and frozen Jin

"You guys shut up!" I yelled "what was that?" instead of Jin/suga hyung answering me Taehyung did "oh um it was nothing it's just that the hyungs are fighting about something stupid" I answered

"Give me a sec,love" then I went to my room without telling any of the hyungs "ok you can speak now"

"How are you love?" He asked "I'm uhhh" I didn't want to tell him how uncomfortable I am living with Suga and Jimin hyung since---well I'll tell you later/tell who?

"Your?" He asked worriedly "I'm fine I just missed my bae" I lied

Look at you,jeon.your lying to your boyfriend

"Aww don't miss me too much I promise I'll be back in 3 months" he said "ok I gtg I need to fix some problems" I replied,pointing behind me "oh ok bye,love!"then I hung up

"NO YOU SHOULD STOP!" I sighed at the yellings I heard while I was making my way to the living room where the things took place "guys just stop already! You guys use to be friends! But now you're enemies ever since suga and Jimin had taken they're places!" I yelled trying to get the sight out and change it into the sight I wanted " you little kid" Jimin hyung replied coldly "hyung you started this and now you're being cold and everything to me! What happened to our friendship huh?!" Then I stomped away and I can hear them yelling my name but I just ignored them

I walked to the near by park where all of us use to go when we're planning to hang out

"what happened to our friendship? Why do it had to go away? What is it with the boys getting into more than 3 fights in a day? what did I do wrong?!" I yelled the last words in frustration

I decided to call Taehyung again and thank God he picked up "what's wrong,boo?" He asked "what do you mean?" Instead of answering I asked him "you look so down" he said

"well the hyungs fought for the 3rd time this day and I couldn't stand it so I went to park where you,me and the others use buy ice cream,tell jokes, and hang out but today I'm alone here all down and blue" I answered almost crying

"What did I do?" I suddenly asked him and he looked at me confused "what did I do wrong to make this disaster happen to the friendship we use to have?" I asked and I'm sure I'm totally crying "Jungkook stop blaming yourself I can't see you crying. It breaks my heart seeing you like this" I can feel a small smile curve on my lips

"Thank you,bae" I thanked him and just hung up

I sighed "JUNGKOOK!" I heard Hoseok hyung call my name "humhmhmhuhhhuhmm" I hummed some weird shits "what?" He asked "just leave me alone!!" I yelled

(Hoseok's P.O.V)

"Just leave me alone!!" After Jungkook said that I pulled him into a hug "Jungkook calm down.i don't want to see one of us getting hurt by blaming everything on their selves" and moments later he calmed down "h-hyung what did I do wrong to break the friendship we had?" He asked out of sadness


A/N: Sorry if it was too sad or kinda sad I was trying my best to make it dark but failed eventually

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