Beyond The Murder Of Emilia Johnson Chapter 11

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"Wooow......." I ponder quietly.

"I know! Let me show you your room, Evalin. Ryan, show Matt his." Liah grabs my arm and leads me down a short hallway. She flings open the door to reveal the room I would be staying in.

"I'm staying here?!" I gasp like I'a peice of dirt and the room is royalty. The room is the most beautiful room I've ever seen, with a see through canopy draping over the bed like a fairytale and a closet with sparkly clothes already in it.

"Yes, silly. This is my parents room, but they come here about every five years anyway...those clothes are yours, Eva. They're just one of the birthday presents I got you."

"Your kidding!" I run to the closet. I sift through the clothing, there a five gorgeous, elegant dresses hanging on the rack just for me, and two pairs of adorable gladiator shoes.

"You didn't!" 

"I did, stupid!"

"Oh my god, Liah. I can't accept this." I breathe in despair.

"Oh shut up, yes you can. Don't use reverse physicology."

"Fine." I laugh in agreement, snatching a magnificant dress and holding it up against my body. "I can't thank you enough, seriously. Your the best, Liah. I love you!" I run to my best friend, throwing myself into her arms violently.

"Your welcome."

"I feel like a princess. A queen."

"Well, you deserve to, birthday girl."

"It's not 'till tomorrow."

"So? I couldn't wait." Liah grins widely, her fangs sharp against her soft lips.

"Oh god, this is so awesome! This is amazing! I love you!" I repeat, dancing around the room.

"Try one on, will you?"

"Yes!" I grab a dress and my clothes are flying off. I slip on a short, velvet blue dress that hugs my thin waist and cuts low the perfect amount above my boobs. I do a little dance and shake my butt to show it off.

Liah laughs, "You look great in that, seriously. It matches you perfectly."

"Thank you, my stylist is only the best." I say in a weird french accent.

"Of course she is. Now, I'm going to get started on that orange juice and a grilled cheese for you."

"You know what - don't. I think I'm going to take a quick nap, I'm exhausted from the drive."

"Okay. Don't go to sleep in that." Liah warns.

"Never!" I gasp dramatically, wriggling out of it and hanging it back on the rack with it's alluring friends.

"Have a good sleep." I fall back onto my princess bed with a sigh and shut my eyes. My body sinks into the bed and lets sleep enter me. I have a dream, as usual, but this one gives me an oddly good feeling. It's Gavin and I, we're sitting together just talking and having a nice time. He puts his arm around me, and kisses my cheek. And I smile. I don't know why, but for some reason the dream made me feel good. I think about how I could have invited Gavin to come here, after all, he helped save me. We were becoming better of friends, just the other day he invited me to grab an ice cream and just talk. We had a really fun time. For some reason, at this moment, I longed for the company of Gavin. He could be so understanding and caring sometimes, or if I just needed to talk, he was always there. But so was Ryan, and Ryan was who I should be thinking about instead of Gavin. I force Gavin out of my mind and try to dream of other things, if that's even possible. I wake up to the serene darkness, and I can hear the faint sound of laughing coming from the patio outside. It's so humid in here, my skin is sweaty and sticky. I stretch, getting up form my restful nap. Out the window, everyone is lounging in the hottub. I figure I'll join them, so I rummage through the suitcases Liah must have brought in when I was sleeping. I change into one of my two suits. This is the first time Ryan would...well...see me with this little of clothing on. I had to look good...didn't I? I walked to the mirror, inspecting myself. I was pretty thin, almost two thin. Crap, do I look anorexic? No, no. Ugh, I have man shoulders...

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