Chapter 7

96 7 15

Kris P.O.V

I swear to God this girl is going to be the death of me.

I grabbed my bag and got out of the cafeteria avoiding their constant calling out to me. I was already too bothered with everything happening, I didn't want to see her acting like this aswell.

I felt the same way as I did yesterday. Just like how I saw her with her brother. The way she likes to act too friendly with other boys just pisses me off.

Maybe because I worry too much about her these days.

I got a flashback of this morning. When I saw her facing these boys, I wasn't surprised. She did the same reckless thing as yesterday, who knows what will she do next. I can't just leave her be now. She never learns when to be careful.

I passed by the wall where all the time tables were. I checked hers and saw that she has no more lectures for today. Will I have to follow her again? I sighed. I snapped a picture of the time tables just in case. After that, I waited near the gates to see her leaving. But as an hour passed, she still didn't appear.

I huffed out in annoyance and went all around campus looking for her. I you up the first floor and looked through the window. She was finally there sitting on a bench with her friends. They didn't look like they will go home any second now. I plugged in my earphones to pass time while waiting for her. Such a troublesome thing this is.

I looked up at the sky after what seemed like forever. The sun was setting. It was about to get dark soon. I finally saw her walking towards the gates, much to my relief.

The things that I do for this girl surprise me aswell.

Somi's P.O.V

I walked towards the train station with my friends. Hana and Nana got to bond through the day so we took the chance to get to know her too.

"I love painting. I always doodle when I am bored, so I made it my hobby.." she said, telling us more about herself. She got out her phone and showed us this amazing digital drawing.

"Woah! You drew that?!" I yelled out in admiration. She giggled shlyly and nodded. "You have a serious gift, Hana. You should visit the art studio in our college some time." Yura proposed for her.

"We have an art studio?! Oh my God take me there!" Minson yelled out in excitement herself.

All 5 of us got to know each other more by everyday and I was really starting to love Hana. Sadly for us , she didn't get to take the train cause a driver picks her up. We said goodbye and got in the train ourselves.

It was just like any other ride home but, I couldn't shake off the feeling I was being watched. Even Minson felt the same way, so it raised my suspicion. Something will happen tonight, I I just know it.

I was the final person to get off at my station. I gripped tightly to my bag and walked through the familliar empty street.

I raised my senses this time, I didn't walk as carefree as I am used to. I paused for a second when I heard faint footsteps behind me. Anxiety builded up and made get tense. I couldn't walk properly when I felt it. Someone was following me, I had to protect myself.

I slowed my steps till the person's presence got so close to my back. I looked down at my labratory bag and prepared to finally use it in something helpful. I took a deep breath.

When I saw a second shadow on the foor, I got so nervous. It's just like my dream, but of course it's not gonna be him this time.

I turned around quickly, gripping my bag to hit the predator behind me with all my force. But much to my surprise, he snatched it away and pushed me on the wall instead. I tried to let out a scream but he put his hand on my mouth instead.

Universe [ Kris Wu Fanfic ] Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora