Chapter 2

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I stared at the boy sitting on the bench next to the pool. When his eyes caught mine, my heart skipped a beat. A few flashbacks going back through my head.

Before I could have time to react, his friends came by distracting him and ended up dragging him into their conversation. My face fell but I knew I wouldn't forget this reunion anytime soon.

I watched him talking for a while, his sharp eyes glowed in the sunlight, his blond hair brushed on the side. I couldnt help but get lost in his beauty.

I suddenly screamed, Jumping a few meters away at someone touching me. I took my breath and looked at Yura giving me a confused look. "I only touched your shoulder.. what the heck made you freak out so much?" She asked, trying to hold her laughter.

"I get scared!!" I whined. Grabbing onto my heart, releasing the breath I was holding. Both girls laughed at me. I rolled my eyes taking them both to go home.

I approached him and his friends who were standing near the gate. I kept looking down to avoid his gaze, not daring to make another eye contact. I heard a bit of his deep voice as he spoke. My heart kept racing. I haven't heard this beautiful voice in so long One thing for sure, I have to talk to my old friend today.

The ride home was filled with laughter mostly of me and Yura fangirling about our hobbies. Aswell as trying to get Soomyung to open up.

I finally arrived home, threw my bag, ran to my room and fell on the bed. Oh sweet comfortable bed, I am finally here.

Someone coughed at the step of my room. I raised my head to see Sehun smiling softly at me. "How was your day?" He asked and I growled falling back down.

"Exhausting!! Also, Oppa! I am hungry.. get me something to eat please!" I pleaded feeling my stomach growling.

He chuckled getting used to me being always hungry and said "Nee" then went off. I smiled and stared at the ceiling thinking back on the events of today.

I attended boring lectures, met new friends and almost had a heart attack. Interesting first day there.

I remembered to call my friend and jumped getting my phone to send her a text on Kakao talk

Oh Somi: YuYu.. did you come back from China without telling me or am I seeing things? ^^

Wu Yu Yan: Omo.. how did you know? I was going to make it a surprise for you!! :'(

Oh Somi: I think I saw your brother in my college today..

Wu Yu Yan: Oh yeah.. well here is the thing.

Wu Yu Yan: I had some problems back home with the college admissions so we are gonna attend college in Korea.. I am in the one right next to you and Yifan is in your college but he is in 2nd year.

Oh Somi: Omo I am gonna see you again!! I missed you so much <3

Wu Yu Yan: I missed you too! Don't worry I am gonna try to meet you tomorrow and I even told Yifan to watch over you cause you're in the same college now.

I stared at the phone and gulped. Why watch over me? Is that why he was staring at me today..

Oh Somi: Watch over me?

Wu Yu Yan: Mianhee I gotta go now. Talk to you tomorrow :*

I sighed and closed my phone. My mind wandering again to what sort this "Watching over me" meant. I was going to think of it but the smell of mom's cooking perked me up and I jumped outside to eat.

Food is more important now..

After finishing, I happily skipped over to my room and yawned. I needed a nap, I am not even gonna bother opening a book. Not like they gave us any.

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