Chapter Twenty-One

Depuis le début

"What happens when we bring her back in the next two weeks?" I asked. "Won't Ashur be heartbroken."

Dean sighed as we walked together. "I don't know. I hope not. He probably won't do anything unless she's still being treated unfairly."

"Maybe when we do bring her back we can get her every weekend," I smiled at my suggestion.

Dean shook his head. "No way sweetheart. We'll be too busy to watch a child every weekend."

We got into the kitchen. Beth was in pretty light blue gym shorts and bra. Ciana smiled brightly at me. "I know you have the same outfit and I thought it would be completely adorable if you two wore the same thing while training."

Dean scooped Beth up in his arms and she giggled. "You look gorgeous today princess."

"ASHUR!" Blayke hopped onto Ashur's back.

We all laughed as Blayke acted like a little kid. Ashur held Beth in his arms like she was his little pup. He walked to me and wrapped an arm around my waist. Ciana smiled and Mina giggled with joy.

"Is this what it's going to look like when you guys have pups?" Mina asked.

My eyes widened in shock as I stared at Mina. "Why are you asking that when we haven't even fully mated yet Mina?"

"I don't know," Mina admitted. "I just thought that one day you'll have a beautiful daughter and Blayke would get jealous that Dean is taking his little sister away from him."

Blayke pretended to wipe a tear from his eye. "It hurts that my baby sister is growing up."

Ashur rolled his eyes. "At least you know she's in good hands."

"I know that she's in good hands with me," Blayke beamed. "I won't try to get in her pants."

Beth slammed her hands to her ears. We all chuckled. Ashur put Beth on the counter and kissed her forehead. Ciana handed her a plate of food. She ate the pancakes the same way I did like we've been starving for years. Ashur rolled his eyes while everyone else in the room beamed at me and Beth. We did act a lot alike for two people that just met. Blayke sneaked up on me and took the last bite of my food before I could eat it. Ashur instantly smacked him in the back of his head. I rolled my eyes and put my plate in the sink.

"Come with me Beth," I said, taking her hand when she was done eating. "Let's get to training you."

"But you're not dressed for it," Beth pointed out.

I smiled at her and took off my shirt revealing my light blue sports bra. "Yes, I am."

I got Beth started on the same thing I showed Ciana and Mina. She didn't complain until four hours into the training session. Dean was back after an hour of training. When Beth started crying in frustration and confusion he wiped the tears from her face and made her understand that this was for a reason. Rayla howled in happiness when she saw Dean slowly opening up to children. It warmed my heart as well to see it happening right in front of my face. Beth went back to doing what she was doing without hesitation or questions on why. I kissed Dean on the cheek when he stood beside me, I was completely proud of him. He shot me a small sexy smirk and we went back to watching Beth.

Hours of the same thing passed and she seemed to focus a lot on what she was doing like she was keeping it burned into her memory. Dean grabbed her jacket and threw it on the ground in front of me. Beth glared at him and went to pick up it up. I threw my leg out to kick while Beth grabbed her jacket. She stared at me in shock. She went to put it around her shoulders and I hit her arm as hard as a regular wolf could hit. Beth dropped the jacket and pushed me as hard as she could. Dean went up behind her but she noticed and went into the position to pick up the jacket. Beth kicked out and got Dean in the shin. He stumbled but quickly caught his balance.

Rejecting The Alpha Of RougesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant