Chapter 8 : Forest Of The Dead

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Lynn continued following her Aunt deeper into the woods. Her pale bare feet getting covered in dirt as they continued their walk.

She didn't know where they were heading. And didn't know when they were going to get to their destination.

"Are we almost there?" Lynn finally asked.

"Yes." Syrena said.

"Where are we going?" Lynn asked.

"You'll see soon."

The two stop in front of a big oak tree. It's branches were bare, no leaves covering them at all. Lynn shivered as she got a weird vibe as she looked at it.

"This is a secret passage way only to a few. And it's the only way to get you in without complication." Syrena says.

"What do you mean?" Lynn asked.

"This passage is how the living are able to go to were people like me come from. And before you say anything, it isn't hell. Hell is much hotter." Syrena said.

Lifting her hand up Syrena banged on the trunk of the tree 3 times, then slid her hand across it. Lynn watched as white swirls came and formed around the base of the tree and soon a door appeared. Syrena turned the nob and opened the door. She stepped inside with no hesitation. Lynn followed suit. Her eyes squinting, trying to see through the thick fog.

She shivered as the air around her turned deadly cold. Like all the warmth that was there before was shucked out. Lynn crossed her arms and walked around. Not knowing where she was going. It wasn't until a moment later that she noticed she had lost her Aunt.

"Auntie!" Lynn yelled.

Lynn fell to the ground face first as she had tripped over something. And as she did a hollow moan filled the air. Lynn froze. There was rustling sounds and heavy footsteps.

She got onto her feet fast as yellow eyes appeared all around her. They started getting closer, hands out, and started tugging at her hair and her clothes. Some even tugged too hard. Lynn swatted at the hands her heart pounding in her chest.

"Leave me alone." Lynn said.

But they didn't. The closed in on her like she was prey. Hands clasped down on her arms and legs. Lynn started to shake.

"Let me go!" Lynn shrieked.


A burst of energy hit Lynn and her attackers making them all fall straight to the floor. Lynn lifted her hand up to her face as the light got a little to bright. It was almost like she was staring at the sun. The light dimmed a little and she sighed in relief at seeing her Aunt.

Blue light coming from her palm in the shape of an orb. Bright enough for Lynn to see her attackers faces now that the thick fog was gone and stayed covering the ground. Creatures of all shapes and size stood in front of her. Trolls, elves, goblins, and plant like creatures. Grey, dull, wrinkly skin, bony bodies, and yellow eyes that showed through the sunken in eye sockets.

She got up as Syrena moved towards her. The creatures backed away in fear. Some covering their faces with their arms. Some hiding behind others or trees which Lynn now saw. The were tall, so tall you couldn't even see the stars in the sky.

If there were any stars or even a sky.

"Whoever dares tries to touch, grab, or pull on her again while she's here will have to deal with me." Syrena said.

Her tone was dangerous, scary even. Syrena pulls Lynn close to her as they walk past the creatures and through a path made in the forest.

"They wouldn't try a stunt like that again." Syrena says once their out of eye sight.

"Why did they do that to me?" Lynn asked.

"They knew you were different.They wanted you because you're alive and their not. They would have ripped you to shreds if I didn't come in time." Syrena says.

"Are there more like them?"

"Yes. But there are others who are like me. Still roaming around the earth because they left something of value behind."

"Auntie, you never told me where we are exactly?"

"Lynn, my dear, we are in the Forest of The Dead."

"So. Not hell."

"Do you hear shrieks and screams? Do you see fire burning any where?"


Lynn hand latched onto the jewel of the necklace. Syrena looked down at her. She grabbed her small hand in hers and they continued their walk. It wasn't long until Lynn saw lights up ahead. Syrena made her own go away as the got close enough. Lynn could hear the melody of a piano, along with the other sounds of other instruments. Syrena pulled her along and Lynn gasped. Creatures of all kind were there. They were dancing or laughing, some even drinking Lynn did not have a clue what. Unlike the creatures she encountered before they weren't gray they were pale and looked mostly okay. No glowing yellow eyes and bony figures. There was a small stage with a piano and the instruments were playing by themselves. Lynn looked around in awe.

"This is the middle of the forest. We tend to stay here then any where else." Syrena says.

"Syrena! Darling!"

Lynn looked as a woman with short fiery red hair, pale skin, and brown eyes was walking towards them. She wore a dress, the sleeves long and white with flowers on them. And she had on green eye shadow. She also had a drink in her hand. Syrena lets go of Lynn's hand as she gives the slightly drunk woman a hug.

"I have been looking everywhere for you! Who is this little one? A newbie?" the woman asked looking directly at Lynn.

She pulled away from her aunt and circled around Lynn. She suddenly grabbed her face and turned her head left and right before letting go. 

"Aw, poor thing. So young. How did you die? Child Abuse went to far? Drunk hit you with their car while you were crossing the street?"

"This is Lynn. My niece. And she isn't dead." Syrena said.

The woman's eyes went wide. 

"A living? Haven't had one of those here before. Does he know you brought her here?"


"He's going to find out. And when he does..."

The woman put a finger on her throat and dragged it across. Her tongue sticking out as she did so. Syrena hit the woman in her arm.

"He wouldn't hurt her." Syrena said.

"I'm sorry. But who are you and who's going to slit my throat?" Lynn asked.

"Lynn, this is Sonya. She's a witch." Syrena said.

Sonya nods her head at Lynn, dramatically taking a sip of her drink.

"And no ones going to slit your throat." Syyrena said.


Syrena glared at Sonya and Lynn saw a hint of fear in the drunk woman's eyes. 

"Speaking of, is he here?" Syrena asked.

"Not anymore. Left a while ago. I assume he was looking for you." Sonya said.

"I think I know where he is. Thank you Sonya."

Sonya gave a bow. A slurry smile on her face.

"Welcome your highness."

Sonya looked at Lynn then at her cup that had nothing left in it.

"I need another drink."

Sonya stumbled away from them and towards what looked like a bar. Syrena grabs Lynn's hand again and pulls her up ahead through the crowd and back into the forest. The blue orb of light appeared back in her hand.

"Where are we going now?" Lynn asked.

"Up ahead is the grave yard. It's were I first ended up when I got here. He's usually there." Syrena says.


"The Reaper."

¸.•*¨*'•.✘Ghosts Of The Present ✘¸.•*¨*'•. (Sequal to SOTP)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang