Chapter 3 : She's Coming

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Someone was calling her name

She's coming....

Who? Who's coming?!

Lynn...she's coming..

"Lynn, sweetie." Liz voice silenced the other voices.

Lynn's eyes open and she takes in her surroundings. She was in the nurses office. Her mom sat next to her, brushing her hair out of her face.

"What happened?" Lynn asked.

"Well,after your little presentation you fainted."

The necklace. Lynn looked down at it hanging on her neck. Was that really her aunt she saw? Should she tell her mom?

"Where did you get that from?" her mom asked.

"Daddy gave it to me." Lynn lied.

"Hm.." was all her mother said.

There was a pause.

"If your feeling better we can go."

"How much time is there left of school? I should stay." Lynn said.

"Lynn..honey take a break today, okay?" her motherasked.


The two left the building hand in hand. Kids were playing on the play ground and when Lynn walked out with her mom everyone stopped and looked at her. Somewhere glaring at her while others were staring at her in awe. Lynn put her head down, hiding her face behind her. She didn't really like drawling attention to herself. And whatever happened in her class gave her a lot of unwanted attention.

"I have to go to work. So I'm going to drop you off with your Uncle Abe."


"Uncle,can I tell you something?" Lynn asked.

The two were at the aquarium. Abe insisted that he would take her, so Liz could go to her new job since she couldn't watch her. Plus Abe loved Lynn's company. Lynn hid her Aunts necklace under her shirt, tucked in.

"Anything, Lynn." Abe said.

"Do you believe in Ghosts?" Lynn asked.

Abe sat down on a near by bench and so did Lynn. She watched as the fish swim up and down the big tank. He took a long and big gulp of his water bottle before answering.

"Well...yes. I do."

"Have you ever seen one?"

"No. Never in my life experience as an agent."

"So how do you believe if you've never seen one?"

"It's not if you seen one to believe it, I believe because I think their are places were people go after they die. But some tend to stay here with us."

"How do you think they stay?"

"Well, they could have left something of their own here. Something valuable like-"

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