Chapter 10 : Last Minute Preperations

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"Lynn...Lynn, wake up." Syrena said.

Lynn stirred in her sleep, but didn't get up. Syrena frowned and shook her arm, causing groan coming from the little girl.

"Time to get up, dear." Syrena said.

"Please, just five more minutes." Lynn said.

Syrena pursed her lips.

"Fine. I guess you don't want to see your gift."

Lynn sat right up, eyes wide.

"Gift? What gift?" Lynn asked.

Syreana laughed. She pulled something from behind her back and showed it to her. Lynn looked down, a smile already coming to her face.

It was a small tiara. Made out of twigs and flowers and little flecks of gold. Lynn took it from Syrena's hands, twirling it in her own.

"This is for me?" Lynn asked in awe. It was pretty.


"Where did you find it?"

"I made it. But I did have some help."

Syrena took the tiara from her hands and placed it on top of Lynn's head.

"I love it. Thank you." Lynn said.

Lynn hopped off the bar and started to spin around, doing curtesy's and waving to imaginary people like she was a princess. Syrena watched the little girl, her smile suddenly turning into a frown.

What if she didn't want to come with her to bethamora? What if after she's back Lynn will give her back her necklace she'll want to go home?

Seeing the frown on Syrena's face made Lynn stop what she was doing.

"Auntie, is something wrong?" Lynn asked.

Syrena looked down at her, her smile reappearing on her face.

"No. Everything is fine. In fact, everything is going to be perfect."


Syrena and Sonya waited patiently in the grave yard. Lynn was left in the care of others, friends of Sonya's, people the witch told the siren she could trust to watch over her precious niece.

Syrena was pacing slowly, while Sonya picked at her nails. Light footsteps approached them and Syrena stopped her pacing.

"Reaper." Syrena greeted.

"Syrena, Sonya." Reaper said with a nod.

"Did you talk to him?"

"Yes. And he has agreed."

Syrena sighed in relief.

"That's wonderful news."


"Of course there's always a but." Sonya said.

"He is rather upset that he'll be losing such a soul as powerful as yours. And he may not let you go...unless someone else takes your place here." Reaper said.

"So I won't be able to come back unless someone take my place here? Someone like who?" Syrena asked.

"Someone else who's soul would be just as valuable as yours. Well, close enough to value as yours."

This was terrible news. With only a few hours before the ritual, before the moon becomes full, she won't be able to find someone.

Syrena ran her hands threw her hair. Everything will be ruined!

"The moon is almost upon us. How will I be able to find someone in time?" Syrena asked.

"Hell if I know. You're outta luck if you don't find someone, your highness. Or maybe you could just give him the girl..." Sonya says.


Sonya moved back a few spaces from Syrena, hands up in defense.

"Okay, okay! No need to get all worked up! It was just an option."

"Lynn isn't an option. And she never will be. I'll find someone."

But who? Who? Syrena put her hand under her chin, her thoughts going to Lynn. Someone who she wouldn't care to be gone. A grin crept on to Syrena's face.

"And I've got the perfect candidate."


Liz was sitting on her and Red's bed. It was 8 at night. Red and Abe had been out all day again looking for Lynn. Zeke stayed in his room, not coming out once. She feared what Syrena was doing with her daughter. Her baby girl.

"Hello Elizabeth."

Liz looked towards the dark corner of their room and jumped up from the bed. Syrena walked out, her eyes glowing yellow. She looked the same as she was before. And was pale. Paler than herself.

"'re here. Alive." Liz said.

"Well no, not yet. But I will be very soon. I just came to get something, one more thing that will ensure that I'll be back for good." Syrena said.

"And what would that be?"

Liz prayed that it had nothing to do with Zeke.


"Why me?"

"Why not you? Now let's go, there isn't much time."

Syrena walked forward and went to grab Liz's arm when the human flamed up. Syrena raised an eyebrow.

"Really? You do remember that I am already dead, right? And either way you're little flames wouldn't hurt me." Syrena said.

Liz made the flames vanish from her body. Syrena started to circle her, the human not once taking her eyes off her.

"Where's Lynn?" Liz asked.

"Don't worry she's safe. Did you think I would harm her? I would never hurt Lynn. We've grown close. Besides, she'll need a new mother figure once you're no longer apart of this world." Syrena said.

"She's my child, you had no right to corrupt or take her, bring her back!"

"No," Syrena smirked when she saw the anger burn in Liz's eyes. "To be honest with you, I always wanted kids. To live forever with my children and the elf I loved by my side. Even if it was against my mothers wishes. But you and my brother took that away from me."

Syrena came to a stop in front of her.

"But I will rise again. Bring back my army, my loved ones, and I'm going take your daughter home with me...and make her mine."

In a flash, Syrena ran threw Liz's body. Liz collapsed onto the ground with a gasp, wheezing and groaning. Syrena stood behind her.

"Don't struggle. It only makes the pain worse." Syrena said.

Liz's eyes shut and she lays limp on the floor. Syrena kicks Liz foot. She was out like a light. Syrena sighed.

"You're going to be a pain to carry all the way back to the forest. But you'll be worth it."

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