Chapter 7 : Breakout

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"Thanks for coming, Abe." Hell Boy said.

Abe descended the stairs down into the cellar. He gave a nod to his friend before looking towards the big steel door in front. Through a small little window with 2 bars you could see what held and side. And for now it was Lynn, her hands and legs tied up together as she sat on the floor.

"Of course. What seems to be the problem?" Abe asked.

"We don't know. But we do know that it all started once she put on Syrena's necklace." Hell Boy said.

"Lynn showed me the necklace after I had told-"

"Told what?"

Abe sighed. He looked at the Lynn who had her head down.

"She asked me if I believe in ghosts."

"Do you?"

"After all the things we went through back then, Red, wouldn't you?"

"I guess."

"I told her that I believe that there are places that people go after they die. And that some stay here with us. Then she asked how. I said-"

"They could have left something of their own here. Something valuable."

The two of them peered inside the little window. Lynn had her head up glaring at the door. Not daring to make eye contact.

"That's when I showed him the necklace. And then that night I met her...Syrena." Lynn said lowly.

"Red." Abe said.

"Yeah Blue?" Hell Boy replied.

"The necklace. The jewel, it wasn't glowing until she put it on?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"I've seen it. All of it. The battle. All the pain. The screeches, it still hurts my ears. Those people. Those creatures. All those close to her killed by you father with the help of your precious humans!" Lynn yelled.

Lynn started to sway back in forth, humming the song that Syrena had sung with her mother. The song she sung when her mother laid dead in her arms.

"The necklace Where is it now?" Abe asked.

"Liz has it." Hell Boy said.

"She's coming for me. Soon. But first, the liar must be dealt with." Lynn said, a grin on her face.


Liz sat in the bath tub thinking. Syrena's necklace was on the floor besides her. She didn't know how things got so screwed up now. Her daughter trying to murder her sibling over something that didn't belong to her. She called them liars.

Liz sighed, running her hands through the water before running them through her hair. If Liz could take back what she did she would. She lied to Red. Abe and them had everything under control. She just wanted him to get through with what he was suppose to do. And he did. He wouldn't have if she did say something. Syrena would be alive and be causing living hell on earth. Liz laid her head against the back of the tub and closed her eyes.

She did the right thing.

Didn't she?

"Look at you, Liz."

Syrena appeared behind Liz, glaring at the back of her head. She walked around until she was standing next to the side of the tub.

"Relaxing while your baby girl is locked up."

Syrena glanced down at her necklace before looking back at Liz. She bend down and gripped the edge of the tub tight.

"What does he see in you that would make him kill me without a second thought. Any thing to protect his human lover."

Syrena shivered in disgust. She looked out the window. Is was dark out now. She would have to hurry if she wants to get Lynn were she wants her. Syrena bends down and grabs the necklace. Something she wasn't able to do before. She stared at the jewel as it glowed lightly in her hands.

"I'll be taking this. Along with your daughter. But before I can do that..I need a diversion." Syrena said.

With a snap of her finger Liz's head went under the water. She flailed around, water slashing everywhere. Syrena rubbed the jewel with one hand and squeezed the other as she watched her struggle. Until Syrena opened up her hand and Liz came back up, gasping for air.

"RED!" Liz yelled.

Syrena could hear his heavy footsteps through out the house.

"Back down you go." Syrena said.

Another snap and Liz head was jerked back down into the tub. Syrena giggled at the being in front of her as she tried to pull herself back up. The twist of the door nob made Syrena disappear the reappear down in the cellar. She starred down at Liz who was tied up. She put the necklace back on her as Lynn lifted up her head.

"You came for me. I knew you would." Lynn said.

A golden glow came from the ropes as the slowly untied themselves from Lynn's hands and feet. Lynn stood up as Syrena looked at the door in front of them. She just walked through it and opened it from the other side. Lynn ran out and went up the stairs. Syrena was already at the top. She sent her a smile.

"Follow me." Syrena said.

Together the two ran out of the house and into the forest.

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