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3rd P.O.V

Weeks had passed and Team 11 is training hard for their chunnin exams. They are now Low-jonin level Shinobi. They all had mastered their chakra affinities. Ryu had mastered her Kotorugyan. Now, all the villagers knows them as The Strongest Team in konoha.

Now we see Naruto walking to the hokage office in his jonin Attire.

'I am very proud of my team.' Naruto said thinking about his Team. He and his team is now like a family. Although, Naruto didn't know but Our little Ryu had developed a Crush on his sensei. She didn't confessed to him because she is too shy.

Naruto reaches the hokage Tower and starts climbing. He climbed to the Window of hokage office. He jumps and enters the Room. He landed safely and see all other Sensei's standing.

"Sensei's." Naruto said nodding. They nods back.

"Now, you all are here because the chunnin exams are coming. And you All will decide if your team is Strong enough or not to participate." Hiruzen said. The first one to step forward was Asuma.

"I, Asuma Sarutobi, Will Let Team 10 Participate in Chunnin exams." He said. Then Kurenai steps forward.

"I, Kurenai Yuhi, Will let team 8 participate in Chunnin exams." She said. Then Gai steps forward.

"I, Maito Gai, Will let Team Gai participate in Chunnin exams. WITH THE POWER OF YOUTH." He said with his signature pose. Then Kakashi steps forward while reading his porn.

"I, Kakashi Hatake, will let Team 7 participate in Chunnin exams." He said not looking up from his porn.

'Seriously, in a serious matter also.' Everyone said watching him. Then lastly, Our Blob of sunshine Steps forward.

"I, Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, Will let participate Team 11 in Chunnin Exams." He said.

"Alright then. Here, Take these and give it to your Gennins and tell them to go to the Building 4 in one week for the first round." Hokage said. Everyone nods and dissapear.

He sigh and starts doing his paperwork. "Ahhhhh.....when will i be able to beat you, you stack of......" He stops and goes to work.

Naruto is running from roof to roof to meet his Team. He reaches Training Ground 7 and see All of them sparring with each other. He smiles and vanishes. He appears between them blocking everyone's attack.

"SENSEI!!!??!!!" They yelled and lower their guard.

He smiles and tells them to sit. They nods and sits near a tree, naruto following behind them.

"Now, I am here because i have Consider you all to take the chunnin exams." He said. Chad and Ray starts cheering and Ryu smiles Nodding.

"Now, Take these and From one week, Go to Building 4 for the First round." He said Handing them form for the Chunnin exams. They smiles and nods.

He dismissed them and tells them do anything in the one week. He then goes away from them and starts walking the streets of konoha. While walking he presence Someone following him. He sense 4 chakra signatures. He sensed that there is one Gennin and 3 Kids.

Then he glance towards a Rectangular rock following him.

'That's Konohamaru for ya.' He Said smilling at his Little brother actions.

"Alright, Konohamaru you can come out." He said looking at them.

Then there was explosion and a huge amount of smoke was there with Three coughing sounds.

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