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3rd P.O.V

"WAIT!!!!" Someone yelled. All of them turns around and see Team 7, 8, 10 and gai with their sensei's. They all have a bagpack.

"Why are they here?" Chad Asked annoyed.

"What is going on?" Naruto asked.

"You see, This mission has become a S-Rank mission because there will be a SS-Rank ninja that will try to kill the client. So he tells all of us to join you." Kakashi said and everyone nods.

Naruto sigh, "Alright." He said. Then all of them started walking. While walking Sakura and Ino is trying to get in the pants of the uchiha. Hinata and TenTen is talking. Kiba, Shino, Shikamaru and Choji is doing their things. Lee and neji is talking more like Lee yelling. Their sensei's is just walking. Chad and Ray is fighting, again and Ryu is talking with naruto about his Kotorugyan.

Then night cames and Naruto told them to take a break for a night. All of them prepared their tents. Naruto on the other hand is sitting on the branch. He doesn't need to sleep. Its because of the S-Rank missions. He told others to just rest.

Next day, all of them starts walking. All of them has their guard up. After walking and running they reaches the land of fire. All of them goes straight to the palace. They reaches the palace. It is huge like gamabunta.

"Oh, you all must be konoha ninja's. Welcome." A guard said. They greeted him and follows him. While walking all of them is checking the palace, but naruto was checking something.

'Hmm....security is tight. But, something is fishy. I can tell. Maybe, its just my imagination. Man, lets see what happens.' He thought looking around.

The guard takes all of them to the client's room. They reaches a door and the guard enters it. After some time, he motions others to get inside. Then the guard walks out leaving Konoha nin and Client and a girl. The client is a fat man. Not that fat but fat. He has black hair and is wearing a Red Kimono. The girl on the other hand has Green hair and blue eyes. She is also wearing a kimono but is blur colour matching her eyes.

"Welcome Konoha ninja's. You must be here to protect me. I am Daisuke. And this is my daughter, Kin." He said pointing to the girl.

"Hn. These ninja's will protect you, make a bet, they will get killed in no time. Especially that Pink hair girl." Kin said pointing to Sakura.

"Why you...." Sakura growls but was stopped by kakashi.

"Sorry for my daughter's attitude, you must be tired from the journey. Take a rest. You will be given your specific rooms." Daisuke said smilling. Everyone nods and starts walking except naruto.

"Sensei, whats's wrong?" Ryu asked.

"You go, i am gonna talk to daisuke. Alone." He said. They nods and walks out.

Naruto P.O.V

When everyone leaves, i place a silence barrier.

"Now, Daisuke-san, care to explain why a S-Rank ninja is trying to kill you?" I asked.

"You never cease to amaze me, Blue Flash." Daisuke said.

"No way, that's Blue Fash." Kin said with amazement.

"To answer your question, i have something that the ninja want badly." He said.

"And it must be?" I asked.

"Its a scroll. The scroll contains information about the Suki clan's Kotorugyan." He said.

'Ohh.....so that's it. He must be a ninja group that tries to kidnap Ryu.' I nods thinking.

"Where did you get that scroll?" He asked wanting to know more about the scroll.

"I get that scroll by the leader of Suki clan, before he got killed. He gives me the scroll and told me to protect it give it to someone from Suki clan when i see one." He said in sad look.

"Alright. Now you are in luck." I said smirking.

"Why?" He asked in curious.

"Because there is a survivor from Suki clan." I  said.

"What? Who?" He said in wide eyes.

"She is on my team. Her name is Ryu Suki." I said.

"Alright. I will give that scroll to her when your mission will be over." Daisuke said.

"Alright. Thank you Daisuke-san." I said getting up. I bowed and leaves the room. I was walking when someone yells my name. I glance back and see Kin. That girl. I sigh and just walks ignoring her.

"Hey, i am talking to you." She said. But i just ignore her. I see that she is angry. She then comes infront of me, but i walks from side.

"Hey, why are you ignoring me." She said. I sigh and stops walking.

"What do you want, Kin-san?" I asked looking at her.

"You know....i want to.....know you." She said blushing.

"Sorry. But i am not interested in arrogant girls like you. So, leave me and find someone else." I said and walks away.

I reaches my room and walks in. I see a luxorious room. I sigh and walks out. I don't want all of that. I am not used to it. While walking i thinks to tell Ryu. No, i will surprise her. I sigh and goes to the back of the Palace. I see there is a pond a big sakura tree. I walks and sits on the ground laying on the grass. Sakura petals flying when wind cames. This makes me feel happy. I sigh and closes my eyes. I hears a Kunai aim at my head. I didn't move, but just tilted my head to right. The kunai hits the ground beside me. I open my eyes and see None other than Sasuke Uchiha. I sigh and closes my eyes. I hear him walking to me.

"Hey you, Teach me so that i can kill someone." He said. I just ignore him, man, i wanna enjoy the view but that bastard is interrupting my peace.

"Hey. I am talking to you, You are a sensei right. So teach me and make me strong just like you." He said.

"No. Go away kid. Dont make me say again." I said.

"Bastard." He said. He jumps back and weave handsigns.

"Fire Style: Fire ball jutsu" He yelles and throws a fireball at me.

When the fireball was about to touch me, I put chakra in my eyes activating the Rinnegan.

"Almighty Push." I said and the fireball was gone by a gravitational force.

"What? How? You didn't even move?" Sasuke said in shock. I deactivates my rinnegan a goes back to sleep.

"Kid go away. Don't waste my time. Even if you are an Uchiha, it doesn't make you a god. So stop being a emo, and do some training. And for the last time i will not train you. I will only train my team and them only. So go away. While you is an Uchiha and is given everything on a silver platter, i on the other hand, come here on my own strength. Even though i am your age, i can kill a SSS-Rank ninja in 30 seconds. So, i am telling you for the last time. Go Away." I said in my demonic voice. Sasuke finched and hn'ed. I hear footsteps going further away. I open my eyes and see him gone. I sigh and goes back to sleep.

'Stuck up, Motherfucker.' 

'Language Kit.'


I was about to close my eyes, when i hear a scream comes inside of palace. I fastly gets up and runs inside. I runs to the source of scream. I reaches and se....

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