Chapter 39

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It was fairly late into the night as Hogsmeade was relatively quiet. Thankfully, Newt had apparated them to the cellar of Honeydukes. "Did we make it?" Newt whispered, glancing around and silently coughing as a soot cloud stirred around from their landing. Rose let out a short cough as well, waving away the soot, "We're in the cellar of Honeydukes. It's a good thing we ended up here." "How do you know that and why is that a good thing?" Newt asked, clearly baffled. "I know we're in the cellar of Honeydukes because I've snuck through here on multiple occasions. And it's a good thing because..." Rose went over to the hidden passageway in the floor and lifted up the hatch, "we have a straight shot into the castle."

    Newt just paused, furrowing his brow in surprise, "I wasn't quite expecting that." "Well come on," Rose urged, taking the lead down into the floor. Newt didn't really have another choice as he followed his best friend down into the unknown; after covering the passageway back up. "Lumos," Rose had whipped out her wand and began walking.

    "So, where exactly does this lead?" Newt asked. "The third floor corridor at the entrance. It leads out the back of the Gunhilda of Gorsemoor statue; it's also known as the one-eyed witch passage. Coming through Honeydukes, there's no need for a password. However, if you ever find yourself needing to find your way from the castle to Hogsmeade, the password to gain access to this particular passageway is Dissendium," Rose explained. "Are you saying there are more secret passageways?" Newt wondered. "Of course. There's a passageway into the Chamber of Secrets... that means that Salazar's Basilisk is alive and well," Rose rolled her eyes. "I thought that was a myth," Newt huffed, trudging after Rose. The woman scoffed, "I wish it had been."

    "So, you know the heir to Slytherin then?" Newt asked. Rose gave a airy giggle, "No. Remember that dark wizard I mentioned?" "Yes," Newt nodded. "He was still trying to resurrect himself. Possessed our friend, Ron's, little sister with a Horcrux. Hermione had been paralyzed by its gaze via reflection, as Harry, Ron, our no good defense against the dark arts teacher, and I went down to rescue her. Though I would have rather faced the Basilisk than babysit our teacher who had tried to wipe our memories. Funny enough, he grabbed Ronald's want that had been broken and not properly mended at the time; the spell rebounded and he completely forgot who he was," Rose rambled. "He was your teacher?" Newt honestly thought the female might have been making all this up. "I did mention him being good for nothing," Rose shrugged.

    "And did you say that the dark wizard was still trying to resurrect himself?" Newt asked, trying to keep up with what Rose was telling him. "Yes, at the time," Rose answered. "So he did resurrect himself?" Newt pressed. "We were talking about secret passageways," Rose changed the subject. "I can't ask that can I?" Newt sighed. "Afraid not," Rose gave a small smile, "I've probably told you too much already... and that was only my second year." "You had quite an experience at Hogwarts, didn't you?" Newt chuckled. "Chills, thrills, and abnormality on a yearly. To say we were far from normal was an understatement," Rose giggled.

    "So, about those other passageways," Newt helped to switch the subject over. "Right, the only other passageway I've been down is the one under the Womping Willow that leads out to the Shrieking Shack," Rose replied. "Shrieking Shack?" Newt repeated, "And sense when is a Womping Willow on the grounds of Hogwarts?" Rose paused, thinking for a moment as she did. "Oh..." Rose pressed her lips together, "Pr. Lupin isn't born yet hence no need for the Shrieking Shack. Sorry! I'm still a bit ahead." Newt just gave another chuckle as they began walking again. 

    The two carried on in conversation well until they had arrived within the castle. Once they had squeezed themselves through the statue opening, they quickly went in search of Dumbledore. To their luck, the professor had his classroom door open and was wide awake grading papers. The moment his two previous students walked in the doorway, the man's head had rose. With a smile, he greeted them, "What brings two of my best students by at this hour?"

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