Chapter 20

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The song above is the song Rose sings in this chapter. It's not a required listen but it's there for those who wish to know what song she sings :)

Song: Noble Maiden Fair
Artist: Ashley Serena


"So, that's it then; you have to fight a dragon!" Newt fussed, pacing back and forth within the girl's chambers. "Newt," Rose tried to get her friend's attention, but sighed when he continued on. "How do they expect students to fight off a fully grown dragon?! Merlin's beard!" "You're forgetting I am one," The girl reminded. "Rose, you simply can't walk up to the dragon and talk to it like you did last night- No! That is much to risky," Newt rambled.

    "I know how to calm a dragon without talking to it," Rose giggled. The male paused, taking his time to turn to her, "And how would one go about calming a dragon?" "They like their songs of old. Sing a song they're familiar with, and they will not see you as a threat. Of course, if that doesn't work, I can cast a heavy sleeping spell. Once I'm close enough to it, will I speak to it... I mean, that's the only way I'll be able to gain it's trust and retrieve the egg it's guarding," Rose explained. Newt rose an eyebrow, "Who said anything about an egg?" "They were guarding fake eggs last night. Don't you remember?" Rose covered up her blunder. Newt shook his head, "I was honestly more worried about the fire breathing dragons than their eggs."

    Only after calming the dragons did Rose completely snap out of her trance. Of course, she knew when she turned back to leave she would find her best friend worried out of his mind. However, she wasn't expecting Dumbledore. And she knew, from the moment the professor's eyes landed on her, Newt had told him everything. But then again, knowing Dumbledore, she knew her secret was still safe.

    Newt plopped himself down beside Rose on the couch, letting out a huff, "I don't see how you're not worried about this." "My philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice," Rose couldn't help the words from tumbling out of her mouth. Truth was, this particular quote was Newt's own she desperately tried to live by. He was her inspirational role model after all. Newt thought on the words before giving a goofy side smile, "That's brilliant actually."

    "Anyway, that will be my plan of action," Rose replied. "I don't see how you're so calm about this," Newt shook his head. Rose just rolled her eyes, giving a smile as her eyes landed on him, "Just trust me. I'll be fine." Newt just gave a heavy sigh, turning his eyes to meet her own. He gave a small smile before he gently nodded, "I trust you."

    The night had been long, but both of them had managed to get some sleep. The next morning had the friends woke up to nothing other than the hustle and bustle of the excitement swirling around the castle. Rose had changed into her Champion clothing; black sweat pants, a long sleeve fitted yellow shirt, and a black jacket that fashioned her last name in yellow.

    Newt and Rose had met up with each other, having Neeney sneak them a small breakfast so they could eat on the run. Rose found it best that they avoid the crowds and her growing fan base. They had taken the long way around the castle to get to the arena where they were supposed to meet up. Of course, arriving there early, Newt got to sneak into the Champion's tent so they could eat their breakfast.

    After a short two hours of arriving did the other two Champions show up. Newt was quickly ushered out of the tent, managing to wish his friend the best of luck before he was out of sight. The Chairman had gathered the three Champions before him, each of the headmasters beside them, as he began to explain the rules.

    Of course, the other two were shocked to find out that they were going to be fighting past a dragon to collect a golden egg. Rose, however, remained calm. "Alright," The Chairman spoke up, "place your hand into the bag. Whichever dragon you pull will be the one you will be up against." Kelmin reached into the bag, a determined look upon his face. He had pulled out the Swedish Short-Snout. Celesse' hand shook timidly as she reached in, jerking back in fright at her first attempt. But once she took a deep breath, she reached back in and managed to bring out the Chinese Fireball.

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