Chapter 38

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Rose, or more like Horatia who was in control of Rose's body, had simply made her way out of the court room and into the vastness of the ministry. She didn't wait for Newt; as the man scrambled to follow after her. "What do you think you're doing?" Newt demanded. "You really ought to listen more carefully, child," Horatia commented, leading their way through the corridors, as if she knew where she was going.

"I understand your dragon form is fused with Rose; I get that, you're her animagus. But what do you plan to do by using her?" Newt questioned. "What did I say to the Minister?" Horatia questioned back. Newt thought back, trying his best to recall all she had replied with. "They have you," Newt replied. "Yes. They captured me, tortured me, will sell me, as Miss Rosedale's father will kill me, and make both our lives a living hell. I plan to change that," Horatia answered.

"But won't that change everything?" Newt pressed. "Hopefully for the better," Horatia huffed, getting slightly annoyed at her host's lover. "What about Rose? Wouldn't changing what happens now change her?" Newt continued. "Yes. She'll have her siblings, she'll be reunited with her mother, and her father will be sent to Azkaban before he has a chance to harm his children. Unfortunately, that means she never attends Hogwarts," Horatia explained, "She'll have never have met her friends nor fell back in time to meet you. Your life will be lived out as it should have been. Don't worry, you won't remember her when I restore the timelines."

Newt couldn't stop himself from grabbing Rose's arm and pulling her back to lock his eyes with those horrid violet ones, "I don't want to forget her. She's been the best thing that has ever happened to me and I'll be very crossed if you take her away from me." Horatia didn't flinch as she actually seemed rather bored, "You were never meant to meet and you were never meant to fall in love. Miss Rosedale knew that fully knowing you had a wife to fall in love with one day."

"You're lying," Newt denied. "I'm the dragon that holds all of space and time. And now that my magic has fused with Miss Rosedale's, she is just as capable of using my powers; that is, when she's in control," Horatia replied, "But you must understand, child, is that I see past, present, and future for everyone, everything, and anything. All it takes is one touch." Newt glanced down at his hand that had a hold of Rose's arm and swallowed hard.

"You were supposed to grow up with a broken heart, not a friend to call your own after you were expelled; aside from the creatures you befriended. Everything you did after Hogwarts went according to the timeline, but you were supposed to travel to New York alone and begin to fall for Porpentina Goldstein. Don't deny it, child, I know you were drawn to her. Even Miss Rosedale was aware of those feelings," Horatia rambled, a smirk on Rose's lips. Newt jerked away from Rose, releasing her. He didn't like what Horatia was telling him, and he'd deny it until Rose told him otherwise.

Horatia had just shrugged Rose's shoulders as she turned to continue their way through the ministry. Newt had followed, worried for Rose's well being, but he kept to himself; he didn't want to speak to the dragoness in control of Rose's body. "You should leave, child," Horatia suddenly spoke up, not bothering to look back at him. "I will not leave Rose. And I'm not a child," Newt replied. Horatia let out an amused hum, "You are to me. I'm over a millennia old."

Newt didn't bother to carry on a conversation, but Horatia did so to spite him, "Your mind races with questions." Newt huffed, biting his bottom lip before he finally gave in, "Isn't Rose's real name Aurora?" "No, that's her middle name," Horatia simply answered. "Then what's her first name?" Newt asked, rather agitated. "I nor she can reveal that, not even to you," Horatia answered without missing a beat. "I guess I shouldn't bother asking what time she's originally from," Newt stated. "No, you shouldn't," Horatia agreed.

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