Chapter 24

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After Rose had morphed back into her original self, she was able to get out of the freezing cold lake and join her dear friend. Celesse had come up about seven minutes before Rose as Kelmin came up a good five minutes after the female Hufflepuff had climbed onto the dock.

It was currently, now, the weekend and Rose was taking her time to relax. She had managed to hide, deliberately, from the Headmaster. Though it was true that Headmaster Black was proudly treating her like a Black, it was also true that the rest of the Black family was coming around; especially Arcturus, the second year Slytherin from the house of Black.

Rose didn't mind Arcturus so much, considering his jealousy had turned more into admiration. He was now coming to Rose asking if she could teach him and help him with his homework. Rose found this enduring, realizing that Arcturus was beginning to feel more and more like a little brother.

Though, when Rose wasn't hiding by her lonesome, or with Arcturus when he would seek her, she was with Newt. The day following the second Triwizard task, Rose had sat the boy down and told him everything that had happened and that he was the thing that was 'taken'. Of course, Newt was so excited that he was willing to go back out and jump into the lake. But Rose had sat him back down and sternly promised him that they would go when the lake water was warm enough.

It was now February, the night before Valentine's day. Rose was in the kitchen with Neeney, and a few other house elves, making a wide variety of chocolates and cookies. She was planning on giving a few goodie bags to her teachers, Kelmin and Celesse, Pr. Diggory, the Headmaster, Arcturus, and Newt. Rose was enjoying herself, considering she hadn't baked for quite some time; it was something she loved to do.

"Does Miss Rosedale have a Valentine?" Neeney curiously asked, giving an excited smile. Rose giggled, "I'd like to think so." "Mr. Scamander is very lucky to have Miss Rosedale," Neeney chirped, turning her attention back to Rose's work. Rose lightly laughed, "Who said that my Valentine was Mr. Scamander?" "Neeney sees he is, in Miss Rosedale's eyes," the little house elf replied, quite sure of herself, "Miss Rosedale likes Mr. Scamander very much."

Rose just smiled shaking her head. Neeney was very simple minded, like most house elves. She was also very kind. Neeney reminded Rose much of Dobby. Though, Rose found Dobby to be much more amusing; how she missed the male house elf.

It didn't take too much longer for Rose to tie up all her gifts and placed them into two separate baskets. However, she only took one. "Miss Rosedale?" Neeney asked, as Rose gave the house elf her attention, "Why aren't you taking the other basket?" "Because that basket is for my friends that work here in the kitchen. And one has Neeney's name on it." The house elf beamed, "Miss Rosedale truly is kind. Thank you very much, Miss Rosedale."

Sense it was late at night, Rose snuck quietly out of the kitchens and back into her house. The girl was feeling lightheaded as a sudden wave of exhaustion rolled over her being. Rose knew this wasn't something that was normal as she quickly set down her basket of Valentine's day gifts and sat down on her bed.

She was about to ask Ravi to fetch either Newt or Nurse Serene but the dizziness quickly vanish as quickly as it had come. Rose wasn't entirely sure what had happened. She had panicked for only a moment before realizing that it had possibly been her imagination and that she was really tired. Without much more thought, she got ready for bed and quickly passed out.

As she slept, she kept her mind blank. It was one of the few times that Horatia let her dreamlessly sleep. Morning soon came as Rose awoke feeling a bit refreshed; but yet, she felt a bit strange. She simply shrugged the feeling off before getting ready for the day. After breakfast, and surprisingly no sign of Newt, Rose went to deliver her valentines. It didn't take her very long as she soon found herself back in the comfort of her dorm.

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