Liam moaned, gaping slightly. Zayn took this as his opportunity, and deepened the kiss.

Each and every single time they kissed, it was just fireworks. Whether it be a simple peck, a lingering kiss on the lips or a full on song session, it never felt dull. There was a fire between them, that with time became larger and stronger.

Zayn pulled away after a minute, breathless and needing some air, Liam in the same position. Liam leaned his head onto Zayn's shoulder, Zayn resting his head against Liam's. "My lips aren't sore." Zayn commented.

Zayn felt Liam's grin and he smiled. "Just means we have to try again later." Liam said, digging his face deeper into the crook of Zayn's neck to hide his face.

"Happily." Zayn sighed in content. He never thought being in a relationship would be that great but really it's amazing. There's that person who feels the same about you as you do about them and you get to kiss them and spend time with them, be really good friends with them as well as being a couple.

It was fun and though he knows that it's not always going to be happy days, he knows that whatever bumps in the road there is that it'll be worth it because he finally has someone who didn't just see him as the bad guy. Liam saw behind it all and saw how he's really like and not many people can actually do that.

Liam groaned quietly, pulling away from Zayn and giving him a sleepy smile. It was a bit after lunch, so around 4 but Liam had a long day having to spend the day with his family, which his mum called 'quality bonding time.' Now any other time he probably wouldn't care but he just wanted to see Zayn and spend time with him.

They're the type of couple who make sure they don't spend every single minute together because as much as they enjoy the others company and want to spend as much time as possible together they think it's best to give some space. Not a lot. But some.

"You wanna stay the night?" Zayn asked, moving a hair away from Liam's eye.

"Yeah, sounds good." No they haven't done anything yet. They've only been going out for 3 weeks. Things do get heated but they stop it before it gets any further, just in case the other doesn't feel 100% comfortable yet. "Did you have any plans for the rest of the afternoon?" Liam asked.

"Does it look like I did?" Zayn asked gesturing to his lack of clothing.

"S'pose not." Liam chuckled.

"Nah I was just gonna finish reading my book and maybe draw a little. But I would much prefer to do something with you." Zayn said.

"How about." Liam chewed on his bottom lip, thinking. He could feel Zayn's stare on him. "If I'm allowed, you show me some of your sketches?" Liam asked hopefully. He only saw a couple pictures Zayn had drawn at school but nothing more. He did in fact know though that Zayn had art folders full of paintings and sketches.

"I don't show anyone, not even Harry most of them." Zayn said. Liam nodded understandingly, though he did really want to see because he knew how amazing of an artist Zayn was. "You though, are an exception." Zayn added and Liam grinned.

Zayn gave him a light kiss on the cheek before getting up from the bed and walking over to his desk. Liam stayed cross legged as Zayn brought over a very full looking sketch book and placed it on the bed. He smiled shyly at Liam before sitting across from him on the bed.

"You don't have to show me if you don't want to." Liam reassures him.

Zayn shakes his head and gives Liam a small smile. "Nah it's not that I don't want to show anyone. It's, I don't know. This is what I do when I'm by myself so it's just a bit strange to show someone I guess." He shrugged.

Liam watched him as he opened to the first page. It was a painting of a black skull. Plenty of detail, with lines and swirls in the background, almost like blasts of fire. The colours mixed and blended together perfectly. "Wow." Was all Liam said and it reminded him of Art class when Zayn showed him his project. "I don't understand how anyone can actually draw like this." Liam said, running his fingers over the painting.

Zayn felt his skin beat up and it was still so strange to him how Liam could make him feel this way. "You can just like look yourself." He says. "Like flick through them or whatever." Liam smiled up at Zayn and his heart swelled. This boy somehow, was his.

Zayn watched as Liam looked at every single one of his pieces in detail. Liam commented on each one telling Zayn what he loved about them and how amazing they were. "You have Iron Man and Batman working together in the one picture! That is so cool, holy shit. They should make a movie based on this one." Liam beamed.

Zayn chuckled at Liam's excitement. "Actually I drew that just before we got together again, when we were fighting." He began to explain and Liam waited for him to continue. "Uh well I drew us." He pointed to the drawing. Liam gave him a slightly confused look. "This was my first idea to win you back. Um you're Batman and I'm Iron Man. Both great characters but when you put them together they're unstoppable and I like wanted to show you that together, if you gave me another chance, we could be unstoppable." Zayn finished looking down at his hands.

When Zayn looked up again Liam was smiling down at the bracelet he got him. (A/N obviously it's a men's bracelet) "It's like what you engraved on this." Liam spoke. "We can be unstoppable." He read the small writing. "So this bracelet was somewhat of an idea from your drawing?" He asked.

"Yeah. Well I was just going to give you the drawing but I thought it was a little thing compared to what you deserved as a promise, but I wanted to have the same meaning. So I uh got it engraved on the bracelet." Zayn said quietly. It seemed like a good idea at the time but now it seems kind of silly.

"I love it." Liam simply stated. "The picture and the bracelet and everything. I love it." He laughed lightly. "The picture would've been enough though, you know?" Liam said.

"I didn't want to take any risks. I needed you to take me back." Zayn admitted.

Liam looked at the picture again. Batman and Iron Man working together. He then looked at the words on his bracelet again. 'We can be unstoppable.' Liam knew that if they tried, they could be unstoppable.

What they had didn't just happen. They were special. And yes, all couples say this but him and Zayn are different from other couples. They're still constantly fighting each day to keep this working. They're constantly learning more about the other every single day, whether it be something little about Zayn wearing glasses or something bigger like how he had a tough time when he was younger, which Harry helped him get through.

It was the way they held each other tight, the way they laughed when nothing was funny, the way they could be absolutely honest with each other and tell each other anything. It was all these things plus so much more that make this relationship unstoppable and no one could break it.

Liam looked up and stared into Zayn's eyes. He was so damn beautiful. "I love you." Liam breathed out. He'd been waiting for the perfect moment to tell him.

Zayn was lost for words as Liam waited nervously for his reply. "Uh, I um." He shook his head, taking a deep breath. "I love you too Li." He smiled, relieved he got the words out without choking and saying something stupid. He did love Liam.

Liam closed the sketch book and pushed it aside.He jumped forward onto Zayn nearly making him fall off the bed and pressed there lips together.

They were both laughing through the kiss. Neither deepened the kiss because it was perfect just the way it was. Things were perfect at the moment. And they've both thought it and they know it's going to be hard along the way but right now, this moment is all that matters.

They were both smiling like idiots at each other when they pulled away. "I love you." Zayn said again. He'll be saying it so much that Liam might get sick of it but he won't care, he wants Liam to know how much he means to him and telling him I love you is a huge thing, especially for Zayn.

"I love you too Zee." Liam whispered back.

Yep, this moment is all that matters and it's absolutely perfect.

Hope you liked some Ziam, because I enjoyed writing it :) sorry it was short!

Not many chapters of this story to go!

Falling In (Ziam/with Larry AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora