
In the choir room in the back sitting besides Rachel I glare daggers at he whome won't be said while he was talking to his two new cheerleader. yes I was a cheerleader but I quit after the football season cuz I didn't really like it.

Mister Shue enters the room saying "all right guys you got to get moving on those hello numbers." he put down his stuff on the piano before continuing "who has got something to show us? Volunteers?" Right then Rachel raised her hand saying "Mister. Schuester, I think I found a song that sums up my feelings perfectly."

She looks towards Jellyfish glaring as she finished. Rachel stood up pulling me up with her as Mister shue says "Fantastic Rachel and Peyton? Show us what you got."

I sing with her and sit on James lap singing it to him since we always mess around then move to tina and starts dancing with her and screaming with the class. When we finished i hugged Tina then James and Mike. i wasn't really paying attention until i hear Mister shue say "if we don't place in Regionals Glee club is over."

The bell rang and i took my stuff leaving the room madly before walking straight to the principle. When getting there i slam the door open scaring the living crap out of principle Figgins. "What does Mister shue mean by that if the glee club doesn't place in Regionals it will be gone?!" i yelled slamming my hands on his desk.

Figgins then sighs shaking his head before nodding and saying "we need the money and if you guys lose we can use the money for better actives" i push his stuff off his desk before yelling "BETTER ACTIVES?! WHAT IS MORE BETTER THEN A CLUB WORKING TOGETHER AS A FAMILY ANF DOING ANYTHING FOR EACH OTHER?! I WILL DESTORY YOU IF I FIND OUT YOU WILL ACTUALLY DISBAND THE GLEECLUB" I yelled more before Mike came in pulling me out and saying "I'm sorry Principle Figgins she's just playing"

But of course i yell more saying "NO IM NOT WAIT AND SEE!!!" and again mike covers my mouth pulling me out the room as James and Tina reassure and clean up the mess i had just made in there. Once Mike let me go i was about to run back but Mike of course grabbed my waist and threw me over his should like a sack of potatoes before walking us to our same damn class while james and tina were waving bye and laughing at my yelling ass and Mike actually slapping my ass to shut me up.


I made everyone come to the auditorium and right now I'm about to do my hello number. Since everyone was either having a bad or good week i wanted to cheer them up on doing the song 'hello kitty' gosh this is gonna be weird but hey I'm weird so lets do this.

Slowly i walk on the stage making everyone look at me weirdly because i was wearing...

I do a cute pose with one hand on my hip and my other hand holding the pink ass microphone as i start to sing

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I do a cute pose with one hand on my hip and my other hand holding the pink ass microphone as i start to sing.

Throughout the song i was walking down to them and the back round on the stage was changing into hello kitty and pink to purple all girly stuff. I was moving to Rachel's lap to everyone and when the song was a minute to ending i was sitting on mike's lap and right when the last line came i stood up having a peace sign by my face and me leaning forward towards them while on the stage.

A canon explodes throwing out pink and purple confetti around everyone making them laugh and smile at my performance and the confetti. Britt then ran to me giving me a big hug and saying "you are so the best Hello kitty EVER" Once again everyone laughed and came to hug me.


The singing photographer (CONTINUED SOME WHERE ELSE)Where stories live. Discover now