Chapter 1: New beginnings

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"Ow!" I said as I hit the hallway floor with a loud thump. "Watch where your going fatass!" Replied a tall and burly school jock as he loomed over me with tremendous height. My friend Charlie (who was Asian and considerably taller than the other jocks) quickly dashed over to me hoisting me up from the ground. "Piss off you bullies!" Shouted Charlie in retaliation. "Whatever, let's get outta here boys!" Signalled who I was assuming was the group leader of jocks. As he did so the rest of them disbanded either to go to classes or bully someone else. One of the jocks in the back stared at me intently, almost as if he was... sizing me up? Must be my imagination. As I get up to my feet I'm greeted with that familiar smile and thank my friend. "They just don't know when to give up do they Ry?" Grumbled Charlie. "I'm not sure but I hope it lets up soon..." I replied. Ry is a nickname Charlie gave me, it was short for Rylie, being my name obviously. I've always been a prime target for bullying ever since I moved here a month ago. I was the shortest overall at school measuring at a measly 5.3. My weight was also a major problem. I never bother checking it anymore as it tends to lower my already sloping self-esteem. All I can say is I have a rather large stomach with thick thighs and a large ass to boot. It was the kind of fat that didn't make me look gross and disgusting. More or less cute if that's what your into I guess. I've never been good in gym either, or most subjects for that matter. Only science. It truly fascinates me in almost every way possible with the mixtures and reactions and whatnot . Other than that I'm completely and utterly worthless in this makeshift prison of a school. "C'mon, we should be getting to class." Said Charlie tapping my shoulder snapping me out of my blank staring gaze. "A-alright!" I replied with a stutter. I made a bee line for my locker and picked up my binder and textbook then dashing to science class. As I sat in class with the look of complete boredom on my face. The teacher droned on about the life span of stars. Nothing I already knew of course. While writing down notes I feel a sudden force make impact with the back of my chair, I look up and turn around to see the dumb smirk of one of the jocks from earlier looking straight at me.
"What do you want this time?" I whispered trying not to catch the attention of the teacher.
"Hey fatboy, whatcha writing there?" He whispered back a bit louder most likely to get a rise out of me. "Sh-shut up I'm trying to work.." I respond with a shaky voice. "Hey... hey fatboy I'm talking to you!" He says as he taps my shoulder repeatedly. "I said shut up!" I shout as I stand up from my desk turning around to face him with an furious expression.
"Witherson! Office, now!" Yells the teacher as he turns to me from the board with an even angrier expression with eyes of pure fire and hatred. A feeling of pure embarrassment and anger falls over me. "Damn you..." I whisper under my breath as I pick up my belongings and leave the classroom. I walk down the hallway with my shoulders and head hung low. I slowly but surely shuffle my way to the office taking a seat across from the vice principals desk and drop my books beside me on the carpet floor. I pull out my phone from my pocket to check my social media when I turn my head slightly to the right to see one of the jocks from before, the one that would always be inspecting me from afar. Except now he was watching me but sitting two seats away from me. As my gaze meets his he raises an eyebrow at me. I instantly blush a deep red and look directly back at my phone screen letting off a light sweat. I'm almost certain he smirked at me as he moved a seat closer to me. I could make out his features better now. Perfect jawline with smooth sleeked black hair and reasonably tall, maybe 5.9 if I'm correct. "Whats your name?" He asked with a low toned voice. One that would make someone melt like butter on a hot pan. "R-rylie. Rylie Witherson.." I respond in a stutter. "Huh. Nice name. Mines Mason. Rissian." He says back. "N-nice name.." I say not knowing what to say next. "What'd you do to get in here?" He asks folding one leg over the other. "A 'slight' annoyance in classroom set me off and got me stuck here." I say in a low annoyed tone. "Heh, nice. I'm in here for fighting again." He explains. "Isn't that common with your type?" I reply with a slight chuckle. "Yea I guess you could say that" he says with a hint of laughter in his voice. The room goes silent for a solid minute. At this point I've already put my phone down and gained complete interest in my new conversation buddy. "So what are you doing on Friday night?" He asks leaning over to me a bit putting his arm on the back of my chair. "N-nothing really, I was thinking about watching some movies or whatever.." as I trail off in thought he interrupts me. "Oh! Then you should totally come to the dance Friday night! I'm going and so are my friends, it would be cool to see you there too!" He suggests with complete enthusiasm in his voice. "I guess I could... I don't really go to social events that often.." Mason stands up and smiles with a gleam in his eyes. "Perfect! I'll see you there then cutie~" As he said that he ran his hand through my short yet curly dirty blonde hair and leaves the office with his hands in his jacket pockets. "D-did he just ask me out..?" I ask to myself. A deep red blush comes over my face as I smile a bit. "Yea. I'll be there."

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