15 downhill

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'Y/N, help!' , 'Y/N hand the cure right now or he dies.' , 'Y/N, I want the CURE.' , 'Y/N' 'Y/N' 'Y/N'.

-Y/N's POV-
"Y/N, wake up." Jungkook shouted while shaking my shoulders.

"It's ok, it's just a bad dream, stop crying." He soothed me down.

Crying? I touched my cheeks and indeed it was stained with tears. I quickly wipe it off with the back of my palm.

I gave jungkook a small smile assuring him that I was stable now, and he stood up saying, "I'll get you breakfast, stay here okay?"

I nodded and lay back on bed. What the hell is the cure? Is it the same antidote? What does it even look like?

"Penny for your thoughts,love."

I immediately snapped out of my thoughts and glared at the nasty figure at my door.

"Joseph, enough, I can't believe you tried to kill me months ago." I replied coldly.

"It seems like you're oblivious about the actions that I'm doing. Maybe the reason why you were crying yesterday night was my doing as well." He smirked.

"What do you m- OH MY GOSH , what did you do to my grandpa." I stood up and grabbed his collar.

He merely smiled back, annoying every inch of my skin. I gathered all the force I have and attempted to slap him.

However he grabbed my wrist before it came in contact with his cheeks. "I'll give you 3 weeks love. Before I start my little hunting spree again." He said.

"Oh, and no point telling the police that it was my doing so and so because If they investigate me I will not hesitate to drag down your vampire friends as well. Now look me in the eye, stay away from bangtan no matter what it takes." He compelled me and left the house in a flash. But Without bangtan, I would have zero protection.

What in the world? Joseph's a vampire too? And he knows bangtan's identity. Drag bangtan down too? They couldn't be involve in my grandpa's death, it can't be.

Thoughts started consuming me again as theories of them harming my grandpa or working together with Joseph to get the antidote feared me.

"Hey I got you McDonalds." Jungkook shouted from downstairs.

I panicked upon hearing his voice and took a pen knife on my desk, holding it out as a weapon.

"Y/N, what's wrong.." his smile disappearing after seeing my 'weapon' that wouldn't even scratch him.

"Stay away from me." I mustered my courage.

Honestly, I don't even know what I was doing, I doubted Joseph's words but I suddenly couldn't trust jungkook either. I just wanted to run away from them.

I noticed that jungkook was slowly coming closer to me and I came up with something all of a sudden. I turned the pen knife and put it near my throat.

"Let me go or I'll slit my throat." I panted. "Okok, I'll let you go. But what's wrong with you? What happened while I was gone?" Jungkook asked. His voice laced with concern.

"I don't know. Don't ask me. please stop asking." I said, turning into a crying mess.

"Y/N look at my eyes." I did as jungkook instructed.

"Cal-" was all jungkook could muttered before I stab his thighs and ran away.

I ran as fast as I could, I didn't know which direction to head to, and the best part is I don't even know why I'm running from him.

-jungkook's POV-
"Y/N!" I shouted as she ran from me.

I could have easily plucked out the penknife in my thigh but she stabbed a little too deeply that even the wooden part went in.

It took me a good 10 minutes of screaming before I successfully pulled the penknife out.

I groaned and used my vampire speed to chase after Y/N.

However she was Long gone and I lost her scent. A part of me could sense her fear and confusion, yet I couldn't do anything to help her right now.

For the next 12 hours, I ran non stop just to find Y/N. Visiting the places she usually goes, calling her friends to see if she's at their place. But even after the sky became dark. I still had no news of her.

I went back to the dorm hoping that she would be there. I was greeted with a punch instead.

"What the hell jimin." I shouted.

He grabbed my collar and yelled, "you know I fancy Y/N and yet you still snatch her away from me. Don't think I have no idea of what you have been doing."

By this time all the members already came out and tore us apart.

"Yes so what if I like Y/N, I've restrained my actions after knowing that you like her too. I didn't want to fight over the same girl, but I really love her hyung." I yelled back on the verge of tears and that immediately shut Jimin up.

Even after I let Y/N get close to Jimin, he still thinks of me in such a manner. And now that Y/N is missing, I have no mood for an argument.

"The two of you look like children fighting for a toy. Seriously? I got a better idea man." Yoongi hyung suddenly said.

Everyone turns to him and he continued.

"Well, it's not actually an idea but it's something to get you idiots to continue on. 2 boys and 1 girl ain't happening unless y'all want a-"

"Um yea no, please continue hyung." Rm hyung cut in.

"What im saying is, let Y/N choose. Both of you can be in love with her but she's only capable of loving one back, or even worst none. So why don't y'all ask her about it?" He continued.

It then dawned to me that Y/N is still missing. "That might be a problem hyung.." I muttered.

"What?" Most of them said in unison.

"She's missing, she ran from me. She was in a state of mess." I told them.

"Must be the grief, she just lost her grandpa." Hobi hyung said.

"No, it isn't. She wasn't herself I'm sure of it. And I'm feeling fear and confusion right now. One thing for sure is that, it's coming from Y/N. Now, we need to find her and it has to be fast.. I feel like things would go downhill if we drag it."

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