Chapter nine

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"Doesn't the fault in our stars look like a good movie?" Cameron asked me on the way home. "Yeah, it looks wonderful! Why?" "No reason." He replied with a smile. Once we got home that night I crashed instantly. We needed to leave at 5:30 am, so that we were on time to help the boys move in. I decided to go to sleep early. Cameron woke me up around 4:00 so I could get up and get ready, also leave on time. It took me ten minutes to put on my white skinny jeans, strapy sandals, and a brown 'American Apparel' sweatshirt.

I applied some black eyeliner and mascara, along with a white glittery Mac eyeshadow, then bare minerals powder and blush. Put my hair into a bun, then I zipped up my duffle bag, and carried it out to Cameron's car. We decided to drive to the new cash house because it was only an hour or so drive, and Cameron wanted me to help pick out furniture.

I walked back into Ginas house just as she was showering Cameron with kisses. It was quite sweet actually, he sat there rolling his eyes, but deep down, I knew his love for his mother was like no other.

I gave her a huge hug before we left, "be good to my baby." She smiled and winked at me as she put another cardboard box into the back seat. Cameron had a lot of his stuff up at the new house, except a few things, like pictures, trophies, all of the little decorations to make himself feel at home.

He invited me to live with them, but I had no job, so I couldn't pay for rent. The boys said it was no big deal, but I would still feel bad for living in a house that I'm not paying for, plus if me and Cameron ever got into a fight I would have nowhere else to go, not saying that I want to fight with Cameron, but sometimes it just happens.

Anyways my house is twenty minutes away from the house, so I can stay the night, or hangout whenever. I was so lost in thought, I didn't even notice cameron talking to me from the other side of the car.

"You really don't want to stay with me tonight?" He asked staring straight at the road. "No, I gotta go spend time with my family." I said quietly. "I have been gone for almost a month." It's not like my sister and nick care that I'm gone, it's just I'm kind of homesick.

"Well. I'm gonna miss you." He answered stopping at the red light around the corner from IKEA. I put my heart eyed aviator sunglasses on, and unlocked my door once we parked. Me and Cameron walked into the store, and sat down at a table in the food court, waiting for Nash, Hayes, and carter.

Nash is still the same, my best friend. Carter is super cool, and I look up to him as an older brother. I guess you could say were pretty close, but not as close as me and Nash. I don't think it bothers cameron at all, that's what's really cool about him.

The boys finally made their way twords us, after 10 minutes of waiting.. we both stood up and walked towards them, hugging the three tall boys.


"Ugh I can't decide. I really like the blue one.. No no no. Black or brown?" Nash asked pointing to the swatches of colors for the couch we all agreed on. Jeez Nash is honestly the pickiest boy I've ever met. We've been looking at couch swatches for 25 minutes. I felt a small tug on my shoulder, I turned around to see cameron walking quietly twords the tall isles, waving him hand to come with him.

I stood up and walked away as quietly as possible. I couldn't help but laugh once I found cameron standing against the wall. "what are we doing-" I started to say. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards himself, and kissed me roughly.

Surprised, I kissed back. His hands running up and down my sides, he broke the kiss, "what's your favorite color?" His deep voice asked as I stared into his brown eyes. "Blue." I whispered, laying my head on his chest, & hugging him close.

And there we stood for a moment. Realizing how lucky I was to meet a boy who loved me so damn much. Later cameron dropped me off. Nick and Kelly are great. They want me and Cameron to go out to dinner with them tomorrow night, apparently they have "special news."


"Kelly, I need a job." I said jumping up onto the counter, and sitting there. "Why?" she said cutting up the fruit on the tray. "I need money. I'm 18 now, and I need to get my own place, or move in with Cameron." I've had lots of experience with clothing stores, I worked at Aeropostale for almost a year, but quit to go on tour with Cameron.

That was pretty much my full time job, touring with Cameron. Except getting paid for advertising, and YouTube adjustments, I had no money.

"Well, I know Courtney has an opening at her coffee shop, some girl just got married, and is moving to Texas or something.. but other than that, you can work for me a little, thing is I can't pay you as well as you would get paid at a real job, because I don't have the money right now.." She answered. A coffee shop wouldn't be too bad, I mean it can't be that hard to make drinks.

"Can you ask her for me? Or give me her number?" I asked jumping down and mixing a bowl of oatmeal together. "will do. Can wait for tonight." She said pouring coffee into her mug. "What's the surprise?" I said excitedly, waiting for my breakfast in the microwave.

"You will just have to wait to see! Love you!" She grabbed her keys and kissed my forehead. I ate my oatmeal and laid on the couch for a while. I haven't seen Nash in a while. It's been me and Cameron for too long, and I feel like I need actual friends.

To Nash -

Wanna get coffee? Miss you Xx

I waited for a reply, ate some of the fruit left over

From Nash -

Yeah. Busy now.. Hour or two?

To Nash -

Sounds good love!

I walked upstairs and put my phone on my vanity, playing Shower by Becky G for my bluetooth onto the speaker while I got ready. I picked out a floral dress with cut outs in the back, white flats, and a daisy crown headband to match. I put my hair into really loose curls, and I was ready.

By this point it had been 45 minutes. I heard the door bell ring, so I grabbed my bag and sunglasses, and opened the door, but it wasn't nash..

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