Part 13

13 3 0

(© Akailia Roper)

Quote for this chapter is:


Soon the meal was over, and the entertainment had resumed. Those who wanted to dance were huddled together around the room, swaying gently to the soft music that played. Their counterparts that 'belonged' to the Boss all wore similar expressions of contempt underneath a mask of carefully constructed neutrality, a few were sat either in the laps of their guests or so close that they looked as if they were bound to each other.

Though they kept their true emotions to themselves, it was clear to someone who understood how they felt and could see through eyes not clouded by the amount of alcohol consumed tonight that they hated the position they were put in time and time again.

I in contrast to the others was sat at a safer distance from the man I had been paired with. It was almost as if he were being respectful of my personal space. He was in deep conversation with the boss and so I kept to myself, knowing that the boss would lose his temper if any of us were anywhere near his business discussions.

Sitting here like this made me realize that this was the least involved I'd been with a client while uninjured and although it was a welcomed reprieve, I couldn't help but feel a looming sense of doom like this was the calm before the storm. My body was awake with anxiety and my senses became hyper aware of the man sitting next to me. The fine hairs at the nape of my neck and along my arms stood on end with the sudden chill that ran through me, my right thigh tingled uncomfortably at the warmth that seeped from Lucas' hand that rested on top of the cool satin dress. It did nothing to distract me from what I'd witnessed earlier. The fact that I hadn't seen neither Brook or Theo the rest of the night only helped to solidify my fears of what was to come.

My eyes began a slow gaze around the large ornate room before landing on Aadhya who was doing g a great job of keeping her client happy as she flirted seductively with him. She gently trailed her fingers down the length of his arm, her lips ever so slightly pouted while her long lashes fluttered in such a sensual way that his eggplant purple tie had turned a shade darker from the drool dribbling down his chin. I tried to keep my disdainful scowl hidden- with great difficulty- only just managing to only because Aadhya's cognac orbs grabbed my attention as she glanced at me over the shoulder of her client as he whispered something into her ears. I wasn't surprised to see the dullness behind her beautiful eyes, but I was however when her lips started to silently move as she mouthed the words 'get ready'. Get ready for what? I was clueless as to what she meant.

My eyes darted to the boss who, fortunately was still talking to Lucas. My eyes went back to her, but her previous spot was empty. I found her sauntering out of the room her client trailing behind her Like a pitiful lost puppy. A quiet sigh slipped past my lips knowing I wasn't going to get any answers now. I was still in the dark not knowing what she meant.

Theo and Brook had obviously planned something, I couldn't help but to wonder if Aadhya was a co-conspirator. "Wynter would you like to go somewhere a little more private?" A heavily accepted voice asked, pulling me out of my deep thoughts. I looked up to Lucas to what I assumed a welcoming smile would look like and an offered hand. My lips pulled up in a polite and flirty quirk.

"Lead the way." I purred, linking my arm through his. We walked through the house, passing occupied rooms and the kitchen until we were out in the garden. It looked peaceful and secluded; completely cut off from the rest of the world. The garden at night was a beautiful sight but during the day it was just as magical if not more so. The sun light would illuminate the various bright flowers. There would be small woodland creatures passing through. That all seemed to be overshadowed by its location and the dark people that owned it. I frowned as we stepped out into the open space, not quite understanding why he'd brought me out here. This space was mostly ever used by us, clients seldom came out here because they were too eager to get into our beds.

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