Part 12

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(© Akailia Roper)

Quote for this chapter is:

Horrible events in life serve as catalysts for major changes in our life perspective and as teaching tools for helping others.

-Dannion Brinkley.


It was always a custom; a tradition for the 'Boss' to invite at least nine of his highest paying clients to a fancy meal with expensive bottles of wine- ones I could barely even pronounce the names of- beautifully prepared cuisine and an assemblage of some of his most well behaved and physically stunning girls and boys; hand-picked by the boss himself. I had the unfortunate pleasure of being among the group and considering it was the only time any of us got the chance to eat so well, who was I to say no?

The 'Boss' had sauntered in through the door-less room I had been forced to sleep in at maybe half past nine, his heeled loafers making a hollow clacking that seemed to be a trade mark for the towering brute along with his finely tailored suits that never appeared to wrinkle no matter how hard he was wailing into you.

I've come to know whenever the 'Boss' showed his face it was either to inflict his cruel punishment or to inform us of the evenings plans; he'd said, sitting next to me on the large bed and beginning to stroke the soft silky locks of my straightened hair- forcing me to stifle a flinch because I knew what would happen if I outwardly showed my disgust.

"Wynter baby, you've been so well behaved, and I think you deserve to be rewarded for such good behaviour, don't you? I've chosen you together with seven other boys and girls to accompany myself and some associates for tonight's meal and entertainment." The corners of his lips were upturned in a sneer, the murky puddles of his beady little eyes peered at me as if daring me to object. But being who I was I did just that.

"I'd rather not, if you don't mind, I'm not really feeling up to it." No matter how polite I tried to be it's like my words would always cause him to frown; face hardening, his mouth pursed as if he'd tasted something bitter and his eyes blazing with his sudden anger.

"Wynter." He tutted his disappointment with a slight shake of his head "I wasn't aware I'd given you a choice." He gritted out grabbing the base of my neck in an iron clad grip and forcing me to consider his angered eyes. I swallowed any sounds of pain that wanted to pass my lips. "You are to make yourself presentable by quarter to eight, wear something blue I'm sure it'll bring out your eyes. Disobey me and there will be dire consequences. Am I clear?" I nodded my head at his command although I'm sure it didn't require an answer as he got to his feet and sauntered out of the room, leaving me with a dull ache where he'd grabbed me and a chill that didn't want to leave me.

I spent the hours leading up to this evenings meal 'entertaining' a few of the Bosses boys before taking extra care to ready myself for what I was sure was going to be a difficult evening. After bathing in a shower so hot it could put lava to shame I dried myself off and then began to lather my soft skin in vanilla milk and honey body butter, my hair cascaded over my shoulders in soft curls and was held back by a bobby pin on each side, the off the shoulder, backless figure hugging evening gown was a royal blue that surprisingly did bring out the dull listlessness of my amber eyes.

A little before quarter to eight there was a knock at my door before it was pushed open to show Roy; a stocky brunette with a full beard and mean grey eyes. "The boss is waiting." He said in a rough lazy drawl that spoke of his smoking habit. A sigh passed my lips as I followed him down to a room much like a study but larger. Everyone was already in here. All of them scattered around the room conversing; with the men who drank what I assumed to be whiskey or scotch and smoked cigars, puffing out the plumes of grey smoke into the space around them.

Forgotten Skeletons.  {Slow updates.}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora