Part 11

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(© Akailia Roper)

Quote for this chapter is:

Some days the memories still knock the wind out of me.



The grating sound of a dead bolt grinding against stone and metal met my ears, pulling my lethargic mind out of its blank unconscious state. I struggled to pull myself up from my sitting position, my muscles screaming in protest and some of my worst cuts splitting open allowing my blood to seep out of them. The Heavy steel door groaned as it was heaved open. A looming shadow from the man that stood in the huge door way blocked out any light that wanted to fill the room.

From what I could make out through my swollen eyes the man was carrying something with both his hands held out in front of him. He took the needed steps to be towering over me. Now that he wasn't blocking the light I could just about make out his stern face as he glared down at my hunched form.

'Why are you on your feet?' He growled out before resting what I recognized as a metal tray on the side table beside the small cot. I quickly glanced down at the tray to see that it held bandages, water and a bowl of soup. 'You should be resting.' He continued in his normal gruff tone. With his hands resting against my small shoulders he gently guided me down to the bed, his face still set in a glare but if you knew him well enough you'd be able to make out the fleeting look of concern and regret before it passed, and his face was back to being guarded.

'I'm glad to see you too.' I rasped out, my voice hoarse from the lack of use and fatigue. I meant what I said, I was happy to see him. He was the only person in this fucking hell hole that truly wanted to help any of us. He carefully began to unwrap my bandages to check how I was healing. The wrap around my thigh was soaked right through with blood letting me know I ripped my stiches again. His frown deepened as he stared at it.

'The rest of you is healing alright.'' He explained as he turned my face this way and that; examining the damage. After cleaning up my face with some water he began to remove the bandage around my thigh.

'Shit!' I hissed at the stinging pain, my hands fisting the thin sheets in a tight grip.

'Watch your mouth.' He grumbled as he dabbed away the blood. I gritted out a faint 'sorry' knowing he hated profanity as he dug out a small black pouch from the inside of his dark brown leather jacket. From it he pulled out a sharp needle and some black thread. I knew what was coming next and I tried to prepare myself for the pain.

Although he made quick work of stitching me back together I felt every poke of the sharp needle and every tug of the thread and by the time he was done I had to wipe away tears that were flowing down my face. He quickly rewrapped my thigh with fresh gauze making sure it was tight enough to stop the bleeding but not the circulation of blood.

'I'm done.' He said standing to his feet. 'Eat your soup.' He commanded gently after helping me get under the sheet. I nodded my head as he wiped his hands clean on some wipes. I did as I was told without argument and then after a few minutes I set the empty bowl back on the tray. 'You'll be going back to your room in a few days so get as much rest as you can in here.' He ordered while gathering everything he bought with him before leaving the room.

I sighed heavily, feeling sleep wanting to claim me. I barely put up a fight against it before letting it take me.

"Do you guys want to come in?" I asked, my hands awkwardly resting on the door handle awaiting their answer. Jade had been dropped off at her studio, so she could get some work done before the day was out. Xackery's eyes met mine in the rear-view mirror before he checked his watch on his left wrist and nodded his head. We climbed out of the car and headed to the blue bricks. They waited patiently while I unlocked the door. I stepped in and removed my white flats, the boys stepped in after inhaling deeply before they went to take off their shoes, I mumbled,

Forgotten Skeletons.  {Slow updates.}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant