Part 6

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(© Akailia Roper)

Quote for this chapter is:

'Change can be scary, but you know what's scarier? Allowing fear to stop you from growing, evolving and progressing.'

-Mandy Hale


I've unknowingly developed a fear of anyone who loomed.

I'm never more afraid of a person until they're looming over me. They're in my personal space, shadowing my courage and confidence without as much as a pinkie being raised. I'd feel like the insignificant mouse that wanted to hide from the fast approaching owl that was starved, and there was nothing I could do but stay rigid with my eyes screwed shut, hoping for the best.

It seemed as if it were made a rule that we were to be on our backs with our hands secured to the bed-post with duct tape or the preferred, zip ties, so we couldn't cause any harm to valued paying customers. Our nails were cut short and rounded unless we were being borrowed by men of the kinky nature.

I've also never been one to take anyone's bullshit, not even at a young age. I would stand up to those who picked on me or called me names, I would always retaliate with the defiance of a little girl who'd grown up in a household with only brothers.

"On your knees." He slurred. His mud brown eyes barely focusing on my bruised and fast swelling face.

"Fuck you!" I growled as I tried to fight against my restraints. Although the pain was immense I knew if I didn't get loose then the pain to follow would be much worse.

"Don't worry baby, you will."

Gigantic. That was probably the only word to describe the towering building in front of me, well I guess you could also use beautiful and magnificent to describe the obviously brand-new foundation. I was awestruck at the sight before me. I don't think I've ever been this close to an architectural masterpiece.

"Okay Wynn, try to stay calm and be professional." I breathed nervously to myself as I took a few steps towards the revolving glass doors. The inside had me just as awestruck as the outside.

"How may I help you?" A smartly dressed secretary assistant who was sat behind a huge marble desk with the computer screen reflecting in her eyes, asked with a bright smile plastered across her cute face.

"I have an interview at half three, with Mr Reign." I said, checking my watch to see I was seven minutes early.

"He's on the 15th floor, the conference room is down the corridor to your left." She instructed still with a bright smile on her face. I smiled in thanks before walking to the empty elevator. After pressing the button and watching the stainless-steel doors slide shut I was on my way up. The relaxing elevator music calmed my live wire nerves. By the time I was on the 15th floor I was almost completely relaxed and ready for my interview.

I wondered down a corridor so long it felt never ending, but it was wide enough for me to not feel trapped, soon I came to a huge oak door. I reached for the handle before knocking.

"Come in." Came a muffled command. Although I could barely hear it, the authority in the words spoken were powerful enough to raise the fine hairs on my arms and give me goose bumps. I stepped over the thresh hold with a confidant spine and an assured head, but when I saw the man sat at the further side of the table all confidence and assurance fled and left me abandoned. I'm sure I've never met this man in my life before, but his face looked so familiar. He looked to be in his early thirties to forties, the light crinkles at the side of his eyes from smiling and the laugh lines showed that he had an easy-going nature, but the semi permeant frown and the salt and pepper hair showed that he had a life time of experience.

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