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(© 2016, Akailia Roper)

This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author.

This is a work of fiction, Names of the characters and incidents that take place in certain areas are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living, or dead or events is entirely coincidental.

This book/ story is rated M for Mature, it may contain adult language, violence, possible sex whether that be heterosexual or homosexual, drug use and relations of the polyamorous nature(A relationship between 3 or more willing parties.), it also contains scenes of the mythical nature, all may not be suitable for younger audiences. If any of the above makes you uncomfortable or you don't think you are mentally mature enough for anything that was listed above then DO NOT PROCEED because this story is not for you. I won't tolerate homophobia and if I do get any slander then I will make sure those who committed the injustice be reported. This is your one and only warning so take heed to it.


Wynter Feldman is just like every other woman. Nothing too special about her, or at least nothing you see within the first glance. She encounters a duo of the most incredible men -for let's say- the second time in her life- but she doesn't remember them.

There has been ups and down for her, most of which she cannot recall but with the help of two gorgeous men by her side and a bunch of supportive side characters she will have the strength and power to discover herself and make the right decisions. So join her on her journey of discovery, as she finds out who she is, who they are and what their true intentions include.

I'm only human and I will make mistakes but I would really appreciate it if you could point them out to me so I can do my best to fix them.

 Because the story is not yet finished there will be slow updates, I'll do what I can to update regularly. 

Xxx Awkward_Akailia

Forgotten Skeletons.  {Slow updates.}Where stories live. Discover now