An Old Friend {REWRITTEN}

Start from the beginning

"As I got older, I thought too cool to be doing kid things as an adult. One night I had just packed all my belongings and left. No note. No text. No message to where I was going to be or why I was leaving. I became a trainer for Greek heroes and as you know the gods gave me immortality. In essence, I traded their life for this one." Chiron said.

Frank's POV

Something inside me told me that he wasn't telling us the whole story, but I pushed that gut feeling away. Right now we had more important things to worry about.

"Well, then, just tell us where they are." I asked. I was really trying to be patient, but I was on Hazel's side. I am also a big fan of The Avengers, and if you're thinking 'they are demigods! How do they know who The Avengers are?' then you're about to get your butt whooped. Just because we're demigods does NOT mean that we are oblivious to the outside world.

"They are in The Room." Chiron said.

"The Room?" Piper pressed.

"Yes The Room, that's where we-, I mean they go to talk things out if one or more are mad." Chiron explained.

"Okay... then, where is "The Room" at?" I emphasized the words "The Room". I shot Leo a look that had Shut-up-and-be-considerate-and-don't-bring-out-your-sarcasm!-This-is-not-the-time written all over it.

"The Campus."

"The Campus?" Leo asked.

"The Campus?" Leo repeated.

"Yes, Leo, The Campus." Chiron responded.

"The Campus is where The Room is right?" Piper confirmed as Chiron nodded his head.

"And where is The Campus?" I asked.

"The Campus is in The Store." Chiron said classically.

"HAHAHAHA! Now there is The Store?!" Leo burst out. Everyone looked at Leo with an are-you-stupid expression. Piper had even raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms which made Leo shrink even further.......if that was even possible.

"And where is The Store?" Jason asked getting a little agitated.

"The Store is-." Chiron was cut off.

"No more saying 'the things' got it! Where in the world is The Store?! I'm confused and I don't like to be!" Piper bursted. I was glad she said what we all wanted to say. At least now if Chiron gets offended, Piper is the one in trouble. Stop it. I'm trying to tell myself I'm a good friend and person!


Jason's POV

"Hahaha, we the Avengers made up that name so we could confuse people. The Store is downtown, it is on the corner of Lane street. You will see it because it is a little burned down. When you enter, take the stairs down, the take a right, the first door you see go into, when you open the door and- "I reversed what Chiron had said, in my mind. "-DUCK!!" I screamed out loud.

We all ducked as a pair of stakes flew above our heads.

"I don't know whether that was precaution or they're crazy, but that was close. Let's keep going." I said standing up again.

Piper's POV

We had gotten into The Room as Chiron and apparently The Avengers, called it.

When we stepped in, Strange, Tony, and Thor were inside arguing. I have to say, they do argue a lot for a group of grown men. The first one to see us was Strange. Dr.Strange to be exact.

He then stopped arguing.

"What do you want, and how did you find us." He calmly addressed us. His face scrutinized us before remembering us from the store.

"First, we want to speak with you, and to answer your second question, Chiron told us." I retorted.

"When did you get here, is it just the two of you? No back up just in case we get into a fight?" He puffed up his chest a little bit.

Before I could say anything Hazel stepped out.

"Hey you! Watch your mouth. If we get in a fight you are dead meat." Hazel hissed as the rest of of us stepped into the large space.

"How about this? We fight you, if we win, you help us with our favour, if you win, Chiron will say sorry and we will leave in Peace." Frank said. We all nodded our heads and acted like he hadn't already said sorry the first time they met.

"Ok, but get ready to lose." Strange said gathering his group, or what everyone would call, The Avengers.

"We should make a plan like them." Frank suggested.

"Na, we do better when we do free fighting." Leo said.

"Yeah, for once I agree with Repair Boy." I say.

"Hey! I am Captain of the Argo 2!" Leo came back.


"Time to kick ass as Percy would say!"

Demigod out!

Hope you liked it!

Phoebe Blackwood

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