Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

I stood up quickly and made my way to the metal handle. It was too hard to plunge down.

I heard Tina gasping loudly and we realized the potion was already leaving with its magic. The vampire saw her and grabbed her by the neck. Tina screamed because the grip was too strong that she can't even wield her weapons because they have fallen down. She must have a different way!

"LIONES!" I took the gun out from my holster and threw it at Liones. He managed to catch it and shoot at the one who was going to kill Tina in the head. There was no loud sound resonating from the gun since it has a built silencer. I sighed in relief and glanced over at Drayce who was still struggling to kill his prey.

Liones shot him at the head and he fell on the floor. Drayce backed away and panted. He was almost being stabbed on the body by the enemy's razor sharp hand.

"You're welcome." Liones grinned at Drayce. Drayce just ignored him and ran towards me.

Tina finished coughing because of the choke she received earlier. She and Liones made their way to the metal handle and swiftly levered it down. Damn, I don't have that much strength.

We couldn't see anything inside.

"No.. No no no.." Liones knelt down on the ground and stared blankly inside. He was cowering, "they aren't here.."

"What?" All of us were confused. Why aren't they here?

What were the vampires trying to protect?!

"Unless they didn't protect anything. This was just an illusion. But why.. why! Valena told me!" Tina was freaking out. I think we all are.

Was the door just a metal door that had no purpose?

Someone is playing mind games here.

"Ugh shit." Tina knelt down on the ground as well, plummeting her head with her palm.

"Maybe there is another room here.." I looked around but I don't see any more doors.

Wait a minute. This can't be right.

"Shit. We got to get out of here. It's a trap!" Liones stood up quickly and all of us were instantly alarmed, "I remembered what Fiona told me. Shit shit shit! I was too focused on her well-being and the stress--!"

"SPIT IT OUT, LIONES!" Tina grabbed him by the neck.

"The chief told Fiona that he fears someone from the CrescentBurn pack that is why he is trying to use Valena and some of our race! That is why the war is here!"

All of us stood silent.

"F-Fiona told me that someone will come here! Shit, why did I miss that?!"

This amulet wasn't for fame and power for the vampires. It was for protection!

"Who do they fear?!" I screamed at him. Don't tell me..

Don't tell me it's Slyvia!

Let me get this straight..

Valena was in safe hands all this time but she was used? Also Fiona..

Valena spread the fake news in order to draw us out? Maybe because she doesn't have a choice. Valerio was being cursed by black magic so she had to do it.

This war was all because of someone from our pack that they feared so they had to drag the CrescentBurn pack fighters because they thought he or she is one of them. They want to kill him or her.

The driving mess is Slyvia. She told the chief vampire about this amulet. They got scared. Slyvia wants to mess both races while she gets the chance of getting this amulet of mine. The chief wants it because it is the only thing that Slyvia is after and they may want to get rid of it. They also know I have it so they brought me into this mess.

"It's Slyvia!" I told Drayce and he looked at me firmly, "Liones and I saw her! She tried to shoot at me! The mole was Slyvia all along who later turns out to be the vampires' enemy! She is the root cause of all this!"

"Well done!"

That voice again. That bitch. She sacrificed so many lives right now, lives that weren't meant to die. She is a menace.

"Why are you doing this?!" I shouted at her. Tina and Liones just kept a straight face and stance. Drayce was already growling with ferocity. It pained him to know that his pack members died all because of her.

"Oh, it's easy! That amulet. That's what drives me to make two races clash like sickening ants." She managed to crack a smile. The nerve.

"Are you working for the rogues?" I asked and she just laughed even more.

"Working? No, I wouldn't call it 'working'. I'm too privileged to call this—" She flew her hands around her, emphasizing "working."

I felt my amulet vibrating a bit. This happens at times. I just palmed my pocket and stepped back.

"Now, let me get it from you. It must be a burden holding something like that."

It took us quite a while to notice that she was already raising her gun at me. She quickly pulled the trigger and I couldn't react.


She hit my arm. I'm so glad she is a bad shooter but the wound fucking stings like hell. I'm crying so hard. I can't take the pain. It was like the bullet had some form of poison injected on it. My arm was getting number by the minute.

I was starting to black out. She tried to shoot again but Tina instantly speed-ran her way to he, pulling Slyvia's arms on the back. Slyvia was too much of big-head. She was underestimating my friends. She thought if I got shot, they wouldn't do anything and Drayce would be too busy worrying over my state.

Drayce, without a doubt, sprinted at her with full force and pinned her down.

What happened was turning into a huge blur. I could my muscles giving up and my breathing getting ragged.

The last thing I saw was Slyvia's head being ripped off. 

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