Chapter Nine

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As I promised I am going to be updating every day or about two days after because I would also be like having those "summer vacations". If I cannot be on my computer, I'll be using my phone instead! My family plans of travelling outside the country so yeah!

This is chapter 9 everybody!



Low battery. Great. Just my luck.

Sighing, I looked at the horizon in front of me. Thankfully, I had spare money with me so I decided to get a cab and go to the near beach coastline. The sun was going to set soon and I don't want to miss it. Seeing those hues of orange and yellow just dominate the once blue sky is like seeing magic work like a charm. There were no trapdoors and there were no tricks. It is purely out of supernatural. No magician can replace the creation. It is a taboo and a deep crime that cannot be atoned. A sunset is seeing how the day has passed and you are fortunate to still be alive. It is an indication that you will get to witness the night sky full of stars afterwards. You mean to this world as the world means to you.

Because in life, we may say it is unfair. We may say God has no reason why to do this to us. We may lose our faiths on our religions and settle on a negative side of things without proper guidance but we got to live. Tough as it is, we must.

I'm just saying this because a lot of people whom I have never known but is out there somewhere are dealing with lots of shit. I must be happy and glad that this problem I have now is just a chunk of the real armor. I'll get through it.

"Drayce.." I say out of the blue while I was hugging my knees as I sat on the sand. Somehow, I have been missing him terribly and my heart is aching for him.

Just like my neck is aching due to his bite.

It's weird and why have I not thought about it? No sane human would bite and leave a mark on someone's neck. Is it an early sign of cannibalism?

Realizing the mark, I remembered how Drayce and I were at the hallways and he suddenly professed his love to me and bit my neck. I hurt but..

I can't help wondering that it felt like it brought me closer to him. I can feel it and I feel so stupid that I do.

As dusk began to subjugate the whole beach, my eyes felt drowsy. I have been crying a lot and when I cry I lose the ability to be energetic. My whole body is so drained that I don't know what to do.

Drayce.. I need you.


"Alice, listen to me, you may not know it yet but we love you dearly. We love you very much."

I instantly woke up from my unwanted sleep and tears were unconsciously cascading roughly on my cheeks. My breath became ragged and deep that I could feel my heart trying to pounce out off my chest at any time. The letter wasn't the only thing I found in the box.

I took it out from my pocket and saw the emerald gem glowing on its amulet. I don't know what this is but surely I can find answers with it. I wonder if this has something to do with my real parents' disappearance but it is not safe to assume now.

Maybe they had a huge debt as this was the trigger or source.

The amulet is too beautiful to be cheap. I know this is extremely expensive.

This is happening too fast. I got to calm down.

I stood up and took a last look at the sea with the moon touching the lines of the horizon with such care and beauty. This leaves me breathless. I'll make sure to buy a house near the sea when I grow older.

DrayceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant